[b]Name:[/b] Sierra Luna Tikaavik [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Year[/b]: 3 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Species[/b]: Lycanthrope [b]Appearance[/b]: [hider=Face Claim][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/d6/dc/42/d6dc42d2e236e19efe27b33a33f52e38.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Lycan Form][img]http://download.1wallpaper.net/20150528/wolf-muzzle-eyes-predator-5120x3200.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]In Depth Physical Description[/b]: Sierra weighs approximately 130lbs and stands at a staggering 5'4. She's solidly built, with a well-muscled body, result of common and rigorous exercise. Her features seem somewhat mixed in ethnicity, though clear features such as a wide nose, olive skin, brown, almond-shaped eyes and a short, round face depict her mixed Inuit heritage. Her hair is black and cropped messily short (like [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f8/fa/67/f8fa67bea3175b346011695422857c1a.jpg]this[/url]). A few front locks bear worn and grown-out neon highlights in green and purple. Her wolf is comparatively small as well, only standing about three feet at the shoulder and a scant 6’6 nose to tail. Her wolf weighs about 145lbs, with shaggier and somewhat more unkempt fur than pictured. Despite her size, she is fast and strong, moreso than most would expect from an omega. [hider=Piercings]Sierra wears several piercings. These include: - Small black spacers in her earlobes - A silver-coloured septum piercing with pointed ends - An industrial piercing on her left ear in the shape of an [url=https://img0.etsystatic.com/064/1/6141414/il_214x170.795418374_4e05.jpg]arrow[/url] - A [url=http://www.piercingtime.com/images/262/awesome-horizontal-eyebrow-piercing-for-men.jpg]horizontal eyebrow piercing[/url] on her right eyebrow[/hider] Sierra's style generally consists of large hoodies, leggings, heavy shoes and black and neon colours. When exercising, she wears practical clothing. [b]Personality[/b]: An omega of her pack, Sierra is a boisterous individual with a colourful vocabulary and a sarcastic sense of humour. Thick-skinned and (often playfully) acidic when she wants to be, it's a feat in and of itself to get her well and truly annoyed. She tends to wear her emotions on her sleeve, and when laughing off the anger doesn't work, get out of the way. Luckily, her life as an omega has conditioned her to roll with the punches and keep on laughing. Generally, she tries to get as much fun out of life as she can. [b]Hobbies[/b]: - Freerunning - Making art and jewellery from game by-products (bones, teeth, leather, etc. She does her best only to use natural supplies such as dyes made from plants or beads made of stone.) Hunting Spending time in nature, especially at night - Making music, mostly digitally (she likes to throw some Lycan flare into her music, such as growling and howling, among other aspects. Her tracks have become somewhat popular in online music communities.) [b]Familiar[/b]: A monster of a German Shepherd named [url=http://pic.pedigreedatabase.com/pictures/518594.jpg]Jaeger[/url]. He wears a worn rolled leather collar, which matches a brown rolled leather bracelet on Sierra’s left wrist. He stands about waist height at the shoulder, compared to Sierra. [b]Extra[/b]: Sierra has several scars, including a large one raking along the left side of her neck, narrowly missing the jugular, and a smaller one cutting through her left eyebrow. The scar on her neck resembles a dragging dog bite, while the one on her eyebrow looks more like a slash, and is really only noticeable because it drew a notch in her eyebrow. These scars are visible in her wolf as well, the eyebrow being quite obvious and the throat appearing more like an inconsistency in her ruff. Her Omega status has gotten a lot of aggression thrown at her, but like most omegas, she handles it well and tries not to hold grudges, as most aggression is purely instinctual and not meant in malice (there are exceptions, of course). She isn't sure if she'll ever have any healing capability (as some omegas do) but there's no denying the lightening effect she can have on the moods of other Lycans around her.