The twins showed no reaction to Chen's erratic behavior, avoiding his attack by having one twin to use a wind jutsu to quickly propel them both to the side to avoid the flurry, while the other one focused on forming multiple handseals in rapid succession. They'd land in the fetid water of the sewers, the both Chen and the girl initiating their attacks at the same time. "Suiton: Water Dragon Bullet jutsu!" She'd announce as the waters rise around her, causing a foul onrush of water to charge forward towards Chen, the bullets passing through it doing little to slow it's assault, though Chen jutsu would be greatly weakened by the impact. As the dragon charged forward, the water-style user would also run through another quick succession of hand seals to use a Eaiton jutsu, electrical charging the dragon to increase it's destructive power. The other twin would take this time to slip into the shadows of the sewer using the Hiding in Shadows technique, sneaking behind Chen while he was distracted by the attack. After it had either hit or been dealt with, she'd toss a flurry of lunar at him from behind, followed by two other ones that had explosive tags attach to them, the tags quick to burn as they approached their target. After the sneak attack, the Wind-style twin would try to fade back into the shadows, readying herself to strike once again. The water style twin would simple stand at the ready, keeping her sword at the ready despite it's degraded condition. [@floodtalon]