Evelyn watched as Cythlla summoned forth that infernal creature, however she did nothing to stop her but instead watched in silence. It was not out of fear that Evelyn did not intervene, deep down she very much wanted to remain here and aid in the battle. The thought of abandoning her brothers and sisters in arms weighed heavily on her conscience but she new she had a duty to avenge them. Of course she'd only avenge them if they survived their current situation as this conflict was bringing undue attention to their group. Evelyn noticed the ranks of the Templar group ahead of them were breaking, it would not be long before they'd be dispersed and cut down. Still if there was a way to save this lot Evelyn would try. [color=fff79a][b]"These cultists are away from the main force! We can push them back to save these men!"[/b][/color], Evelyn replied to Ruinil as she began to advance towards where most of the fighting was. That's when she caught sight of Krovah, the dark abomination stared her down with hate in his eyes and rage in his heart. For a moment it looked as if the demon would challenge his sword against hers but Glodin's hammer came hurling down the street and slamming into the side of Krovah's mouth. Evelyn smirked before looking back to Glodin and Cythlla, [color=fff79a][b]"Keep him busy, the enemy needs him for direction!"[/b][/color] she ordered before looking over to Ruinil. [color=fff79a][b]"Follow me! We need to rally these men!"[/b][/color], Evelyn didn't waste time as she began to slash and stab her way through the battlefield towards the Templars. Finally arriving at their shield wall she passed through just in time to dodge a dagger lunge. Catching her breath she asked, [color=fff79a][b]"Who among you is in command?!"[/b][/color], Evelyn spoke with haste as this battle needed to end fast. The last she checked, Starguard's gates had been breached and it wouldn't be long before the castle was taken. Once that happens the surrounding area would be searched for stragglers of The Order.