Posting what I have so far, since it's basically everything except personality which I am having trouble figuring out how to word properly. But hopefully this gives a good idea of what she'll be like, I guess. • Appearance: [url=]In costume as Masquerade.[/url] She wears a form fitting purple tunic, black gloves and a purple tophat, in addition to purple tights, a cape and a domino mask to conceal her identity. Around her waist is the obligatory utility belt. One thing to note is that she is actually wearing a wig and coloured contacts; she's actually a green-eyed, short haired blonde. She has a slim physique that fits her acrobatic abilities, and is around 5'6" tall. To offset her flamboyant superhero persona, she generally wears rather plain looking clothes when out of costume. Despite the fact that the mole under her left eye is a rather telling hint towards her true identity, Élodie does not even try to disguise it, as she feels there's no fun in a secret identity if she doesn't give people at least a chance to guess who she really is. • Name: Élodie Lupin • Alias: Masquerade • Age: 23 • Gender: Female • Power(s): Élodie possesses no superhuman abilities. Technically, she's a completely mundane human. However, she has trained all her life to be the world's greatest thief, leading her to possess certain skills that make up for her lack of superpowers. Her atheleticism, agility and acrobatic abilities are the best they could possibly be for a regular human, and she has trained in multiple martial arts, both armed and unarmed. She also possesses a decent array of detective skills; initially this was to help her stay ahead of the game when planning heists, but her insight into the criminal mind had helped her quite a bit since her switch to heroism. In addition, she is highly skilled in sleight of hand and stealth, allowing her to get the drop on those who would otherwise overpower her. Élodie is also a rather competant hacker; whilst she is hardly the best in the world, she's able to crack some pretty airtight security systems with relative ease. Finally, she possesses a talent for disguise, able to easily adopt different personas, and her slim figure allows her to easily pretend to be someone of a different build by bulking out her outfits. • Limits/Weaknesses: Despite all of her training and fancy toys, Masquerade is just a mere mortal with no superpowers. She's ultimately just as easy to harm as the rest of us. • Equipment: Masquerade's costume is made from an experimental material that she obtained through questionable methods (she stole it), which bares a striking visual resemblence to spandex and in fact shares its elasticity, but is also surprisingly tough, giving her some manner of protection against unarmed blows, knives and the like. Her cape is made from a bulletproof material, allowing her to use it to deflect small arms fire, and her gloves contain a one-shot taser charge each, allowing her to stun foes who get in too close. Her obligatory utility belt contains several useful gadgets and weapons, including a grapple gun, a stun baton, lockpicks, smoke and EMP grenades, a rebreather, a small amount of plastic explosives, electronic tracers, a miniature camera and cassette recorder, and several shuriken. • Personality: • History: Élodie never originally intended to become a hero. In the beginning, she was simply trying to live up to the legacy of the man she claimed descent from, the legendary gentleman thief Arsène Lupin. It is unknown if she really is descended from him or not, but what cannot be questioned is that she would truly be the heir to his legacy of larceny were it not for circumstances. Her whole life, she trained to become the greatest thief the world had ever seen, training both her body and mind to aid her in committing the perfect heist. All seemed to be going according to plan, until she actually tried to put her training into action. As a test of her skills, she decided to try and steal a priceless diamond necklace from a rather prestigious and thus heavily guarded museum; not because she wanted or needed it, of course, but just to see if she could. Everything seemed to be going fine to begin with. Her training had served her well, and she was able to slip past all of the security easily. However, she was not the only one who had her eye on the diamonds. As it turned out, a supervillain of some repute had [i]also[/i] decided to steal it on that very same night. Naturally, when the two met each other, neither wished to back down and a fight broke out, one that lasted long enough to alert security and that ended just as the police arrived. Realising the plan had failed miserably, Élodie fled the scene, but was surprised when she saw the news the next day, about how a mysterious hero had defended the diamonds from this notorious villain. And... She decided to just roll with it, under the excuse that being a superhero was the perfect coverstory for why she'd be at crime scenes, and thus reinvented herself as the mysterious phantom of justice, Masquerade. But it seems like she does far more hero work than she does burglary, and the thefts she does commit all seem to be ones that would be seen as "heroic" from a point of view. For example, one of her most recent heists had her stealing some sensitive documents in order to take down a corrupt corporation who were a front for a major crime syndicate. But maybe she really is going soft... Maybe the life of a hero has proven too irresistable to the master thief... • Other: