[@Invisible Man] [@Prince of Seraphs] I haven't punched through a concrete wall, and I see where's you're coming from, but I still like my idea so I'll try and sell it to you. Most of prison life is outside the arena, therefore many fights happen while powerless. Sure, a little girl might have a power that lets her shoot Kamehameha out of her palm and level entire buildings, but she's just a little girl. She wouldn't fit in. I deliberately used this exaggerated example to bring across my point - you should be confident and strong enough to beat a concrete wall to enter the group. Do you see where I'm coming from? My character's ability is mostly passive, but because of it he can push beyond anything a regular person could endure because he doesn't have any of the mental or instinctive blocks applied to his body to keep itself safe. If a meta isn't confident in itself, and places all of its trust in their power, they shouldn't be in the group. The group is a bunch of violent thrill-junkies going after challenging fights. Why wouldn't they punch a concrete wall to prove their manliness?