“Clark and Mars…” Kate repeated. Again, something that struck her mind as familiar but then her attention was once again broken up as the man began to speak again, talking about the cleanliness of the robot and Sektor in turn talked about how he had mechanical arms. All this information processed through Kate’s mind at an alarmingly fast rate, giving her a slight headache before she just turned to Sektor and held up a finger to him, signaling for him to be quiet for a minute. “Unit 0.18462958, run diagnostics. Confirm command.” She ordered, obviously not shy or new at all to talking to robots. Finally, she had a second to think… [i]Clark and Mars…weren’t those the scientists that were found dead the other day in district zero? There wasn’t any released information about how they died though…I wonder if they were killed for possession of this unit. Wouldn’t be the first time a scientist was killed for a project, hell if I had known that they took my plans without payment I might have just killed them myself. Still, I don’t know where this unit stands as far as its release, I had better do some investigating on my own before I turn it back in, someone owes me money…[/i] Her attention then turned back to the man in front of them, Sektor’s words again processing through her mind as she continued to think in that split second of silence she had. [i]He looks familiar, Unit 0.18462958 confirmed him to have robotic arms and neural implants. He’s rough looking around the edges, but he poses no threat to me but might tear apart unit 0.18462958 if he opens his trap one more time…[/i] “I uh…yes. Yes he is mine, I programmed him.” Kate said to the man in front of her, who her mind was still reeling information about. She wasn’t exactly lying, she DID program the unit. “Wait…I [i]know[/i] you. Well…about you…You’re that cop from district 17 right? What are you doing here in district four? I mean…not that you’re not supposed to be here or anything, I didn’t mean that. You’re a cop so you can probably go wherever you want…I’ m sorry” Kate inwardly groaned, feeling her cheeks flush in embarrassment. Sure she could talk to machines and what-not all day, but having a conversation with another human being? It was as awkward with her as you could get.