Hunter Leader Name: Philipp Orlano Age: 30 Gender: Male Appearance: [img=] Weapons: Standard hunting rifle and silver dagger. Bio: Philipp has been hunting for approximately 12 years now. He hardly tells anyone the reasons how he started out and he's only told several. The only detail that he ever lets out about it was that it was the day he found out how to kill a vampire. After that, he joined a hunting group with his brother and started his new life. Philipp learned a lot from that group and even created his own sketchbook on the various supernatural they hunted. He had actually enjoyed the new group he had been with for a while, but after an attack from several lycanthropes, Philipp lost his brother and several other friends. The remainder of the group separated, all going their own ways and not wanting to stay together for fear from remembering. Personality: Random and witty when he's off work. Gets dark and unmerciful when he's hunting. Other: I love it when fire melts ice. Creature CS Name: Hammond Strin Nickname: N/A Age (appearance/actual): 32/423 Gender: Male Species: By definition a witch but he prefers to be called a trickster. Weakness: Any splintered wood creates a severe injury and causes his blood to boil. A stab through the heart with it would kill him. Powers: Able to create illusions which includes Glamour on other supernatural. Able to create time traps, loops, and aging. Can also create hexes to curse others. Performing role/Primary Position: Glamour Controller Secondary position (Optional): Stage Hand History before circus: Hammond went on a lovely adventure in his life as soon as he mastered the arts he practiced. From placing petty humans in time traps, making others go mental, and seeing how quickly they could be driven insane, Hammond thought he had it all with his powers. His experience from hunters proved otherwise though. Hunters found out his usual spot he like to stay at and almost killed him, just several inches away from his heart. Hammond barely escaped, and has been trying to find a life without hunters. History in circus (Unless just joining): Hammond became a way for supernatural who couldn't hide their identities to join the circus. With his spells in Glamour, he quickly became very useful in adding new additions. Hammond joined the circus just a year after it had begun, and decided to stay with it since it was a nice place to protect against hunters. He causes his own pranks several times, but he tries his best to obey the rules, and so far he hasn't killed anyone, which is always great progress! Personality: Extremely wiry, hyper, and has a really sick sense of humor. Appearance: [img=] Performing appearance (if wanted): N/A Other: Name: Nixon Anderzel Nickname: N/A Age (appearance/actual): 20/278 Gender: Male Species: Vampire Weakness: Normal vampire powers, and the ones from him blink ability. Powers: Other than normal vampiric powers, Nixon's able to teleport, or 'blink' as he calls it, up to 10 feet away from himself. He's able to go through walls and people, but using this ability too frequently (more than six times a day) puts a harsh drain on him. If there's any counter-magic going on while he's blinking, Nixon will never return from his blink. Performing role/Primary Position: Magician Secondary position (Optional): History before circus: Nixon hasn't had the best life out of everyone. Born in the town of Salem several centuries ago, Nixon's led a twisted life after he realized his abilities and potential. After working in a hotel in America for several decades, Nixon abandon the place and went exploring in Europe. There he continued he dark life, starting random disappearances in several towns and making people turn on each other. When he found the circus however Nixon decided to stay there for a bit after hunters almost beheaded him. History in circus (Unless just joining): Just joining. Personality: People find out what he's like very quickly when they meet him. Appearance: [img=] Performing appearance (if wanted): N/A Other: I love melted ice.