[center][h1][color=lightblue]Alex[/color][/h1] Alex's gaze fell on the asian boy before him. He had seen him often but had never really put a name to the face. He ran a hand through his hair stressfully with a sigh as he introduced himself as Noah and told him that he found Emma on the beach fifteen minutes ago. He couldn't really say he was surprised. [color=lightblue]"Nice to meet you Noah. "[/color]Alex said and eyed him. He hoped this wasn't some secret boyfriend she had been running around with all day. He dropped his backpack on the couch and craned his neck to gaze in the kitchen. Was his mother missing too? Alex had been about to go check his parents' bedroom when Noah spoke up again. [color=00a99d]"Did you come from the high school? Do you know what's happening over there?"[/color] [color=lightblue]"Yeah I did... All the teachers and a lot of the seniors just randomly vanished. Everyone's just running through the streets like imbeciles. Also, apparently a plane crashed. There's some smoke over that way billowing up in the sky."[/color] Alex pointed him in the direction of the smoke. [color=lightblue]"I guess the pilot disappeared too."[/color] The sound of footsteps made the blonde turn around to the stairs. Emma was running down the stairs in a white t-shirt and jean shorts, her thick, wavy hair bouncing behind her. [color=lightcoral] "Whee!"[/color] She exclaimed and did a bow as she got to the floor. [color=lightcoral]" Okay so before you ask, dad and I went fishing today but he randomly disappeared and I may or may not have left him to drown and-"[/color] [color=lightblue]"No, Emma. You didn't. All the adults in our school disappeared. "[/color] Alex interrupted quietly. [color=lightblue]"Mom's gone too."[/color] Emma glanced from Alex to Noah, twirling a lock of her hair.[color=lightcoral]"How can that be...?"[/color] [/center]