(Collab Between Yoshi and Gonzo) James stepped into the ring, but not before looking behind him. His eyes first met Mason, who shook his head, then went around the bar, again making sure that there was no one around who would try and stop the fight. It was bad enough that he was called gay and have his conversation cut short, but the fact that an asshole like him was going to disrespect a girl like Vander. That just wasn't right. He slowly slipped off his slim suit jacket and dress shirt, revealing his hidden muscles, and passed it to his brother, who was now by the ring, frowning. "Look Jason, you cannot go through with this!" Jason leaned down and shook his head. "I cant just let him talk shit to that girl, and then get away with it, no matter how popular he is in this joint. He is going down." Mason shook his head. "Just remember what dad said..." “Alright Richy Richardson, let’s see if daddy taught you how to fight.” James almost bolted upright and turned around, scowling at the man. "He didn't teach me anything, I had to learn how to fight myself." ------ Deon just shook his head, his arms up in a defensive position and his fists clenched tight. All around him, he no longer heard the roar of the crowd or the blaring of the music. All that was there was this kid and him, and in his mind all was absolutely silent. His fingers twitched as he went through his mind on just how bad he wanted to mess this kid up, and if that shaved headed chick was the kind of druggie he thought she was, then she would still be going home with him tonight despite kicking the shit out of him. How else would she get her fix? This thought caused a smirk to form on his face as Deon took the first few steps towards James, and rather quickly began to wail down on him first hitting him in the gut and then driving his elbow down onto the back of his neck. ---- The blow the gut caused James to stagger back a step, and the elbow to the back of the neck sent him sprawling onto the floor. However, he stood up quickly, and regained his balance. Now it was his turn to strike. He went to throw a left hook, and when Deon moved to block the punch, he switched it up and jabbed him once in the side, and then got another good one right in the fighter's eye. He hopped back with small smile on his face, but as soon as his feet touched the floor, the smile faded, and he staggered back. He hadn't felt the pain before, but taking his mind off of beating the piece of shit to a pulp for a second brought his focus right back. He let out his breath and almost stumbled to the floor, only catching his fall by leaning on the side of the ring. ----- Deon took the hits like a champ. Sure he was good, but he wasn't untouchable. There were rumors going on around about him, about how Deon liked the pain, about how the pain made him feel alive. Still though, Deon just wiped the sweat from his brow, feeling his eye starting to swell shut. And then he saw it, his moment of opportunity. The boy was staggering, obviously just now feeling the pain in his stomach and was leaning against the ring. He charged James and grabbed him by the neck, forcing the kid to turn around and then bent his stomach over the ring, pressing all of his weight onto Jame's back until he heard a snap or two coming from the kid's spine. That sound alone sent shivers down Deon's back and goosebumps crawled over his skin as he pushed down one more time before letting up on the boy. ----- The ring opened up suddenly, and a police issue baton with a strong electrical pulse came down on the fighter's head, hard. The rather large and muscular cop handling the weapon then grabbed Deon, kneed him in the stomach, then tossed him against the other side of the ring. The cop remained in his spot, daring the fighter with his eyes to stand up. Meanwhile, a couple of other police officers checked the young man out, and, seeing that he was injured, called in a medical squad. James shook the police officers off. "Get off of me, I can handle myself," he spat, trying to stand up. With some difficulty, he was able to step out of the ring, into the now silent crowd. He could feel the eyes on him as the police officers escorted him away from the crowd. He turned sharply and limped over to the bar, where his brother now was, and then smiled at him. "My clothes please, and a drink as well, Mason." Mason handed James' clothes to him, and then turned, where the drink was now ready for him. Mason grabbed the drink and handed it to a now, partly dressed, James, who then took it and downed it quickly. Mason then watched as James took another couple of steps, and looked at Vander. James smiled once, nodding his head slightly. "It was nice meeting you, Vander. I'm sorry we didn't get to finish our conversation. Maybe, if you want, we can sometime." James, with some difficulty, reached into his pocket and produced a small card that read "James Jamison, District 1" and had a communications number at the bottom. He smiled at her once, then stumbled away with his brother and the police. The cop watching Deon turned and walked out of the ring, into the crowd, and to the entrance. He looked at Vander on his way out, a little bit disapprovingly, then turned to the crowd. "What are you all standing there for? Get back to your shit," He grumbled before walking out.