Shadrach blinked at the middling man, head tilted in a pose only slightly less confused than the other speaker. [color=a36209]"What's [i]happened[/i]?"[/color] He shrugged with a little grimace. [color=a36209]"Iunno. I just like to see things as they are, now that I can- Not feel, nah. Just... Be aware of the space that falls into my locus of perception, now that I don't have to watch the world from inside a braincase anymore. The sensation of everythingness." [i]The viscerality of matter,[/i][/color] he continued, in his head, but Shadrach had already trailed away from making a point and he knew it. It didn't matter much, though. He shot another backwards glance at the pale-haired teenager. The weapon he held was no less a proclamation of anger for the fact that he was facing away from Shadrach. [color=a36209]"Shit, I should've been looking,"[/color] he muttered, still watching the sword. And why hadn't he been? With a touch of frustration at not having thought of it before, Shadrach opened his other eyes, the ones he'd not yet grown but never intended to close again. They scattered irregularly around his neck, his palms, the temples of his skull; They opened along his arms in long, thin slits, hinting at an eye much larger than could possibly fit in a human body. They stared. They felt comfortable. Perhaps he could have improved his visual awareness less conspicuously, but this did not occur to him. The eyes helped delocalise his awareness from everything directly in front of his face, and the first thing that struck Shadrach was motion, off to one side. With all the ineptitude of a man who had never loved ballsports, he raised his arm to snatch the object upon landing, and with all the wasted power of an amateur god, his arm burst into fleshy red tendrils that caught the object like a net and dragged it near. Shadrach made a small 'mmph' sound when he realised it was just another soulless body, and his hand wrapped itself back up, rather deformed but still mostly human. Someone like him had thrown it before they left, leaving an untidy hole in a nearby building. [color=a36209]"Yeah, I think I'm out too,"[/color] shrugged the young man, pulling the bones from the cadaver with a thought. He clattered them gently towards the tense guy with the sword to get his attention at a safe distance. [color=a36209]"I'm off to find somewhere quiet. Come with, if you wanna chill down. And my name was Shadrach, if you want to know."[/color] Shadrach twisted gravity relative to himself and walked up the nearest office block in a blur of liquefied deity. He wanted to see the stars come out. [@Vocab][@darkwolf687]