[u][h1]Wepwawet- Seattle, WA[/h1][/u] A bright light pierced the sky while Kasim had been navigating himself over some rubble. Even from a far it was enough to temporarily blind him when he first saw it. A few seconds later it died down, leaving only Kasim's memory of the direction it appeared from to guide him, his curiosity peaked to whom had sent out such a beacon. By the time he reached the destination however he was met with only disappointment for whoever had sent it was gone. All he could find was perhaps the direction the person had come from. He followed the light tracks back to where what seemed like a fight had happened. Once more though there were no bodies or people to be found. Kasim began to feel as if he was the last man alive with how deserted everything was. Giving up on trying to find the person who had sent out the beacon he went about savaging supplies, entering a building that seemed mostly intact. While working his way through the rooms he heard noise from above, a muffled sound that sounded like someone speaking with some pounding on perhaps was a door. He cautiously kept moving making his way up unsure what to find in the building. [u][h1]Lyssa/Mania- Chicago, IL[/h1][/u] Scorn hummed to herself as she dabbed her finger in a puddle of blood she had kept from one of her recent playmates. With a world gone to hell, everything simply now could be her canvas. She had picked the side of a building a bit distance away from where she had awoken and began working on her art. To most it probably just seemed to be sporadic blood splatter but art was in the eye of the beholder was it not? She snickered to herself, continuing her fun only to be brought out of her focus with hearing a meow. She spun around to see a cat a short distance away. "Here kitty, kitty," she called getting up and slowly walking over. Just when the cat was in arm's length however, it sped off down the street and made a turn. "Aw come back," she cried out giving chase, all thought on her artwork gone, now her focus on catching up on the cat.