[h2][color=92278f][u]Sorin[/u][/color][/h2] Knowing the location of Emma's house through stalking her for years online and from afar, he started the walk to her house but was halted by a boy who looked about thirteen years old. The boy asked Sorin [color=aba000]”Do you know where all the grown-ups went? I am scared.“[/color] Sorin replied with an annoyed[color=92278f] "No you fool and you asked the wrong person to help you out and now you give me this opportunity to test my ability.”[/color] the boy started to shake trembling in fear and started to cry, fearful of what Sorin may do to him. Sorin then smiled and said, [color=92278f]"Well why don't we get this started."[/color] Whilst thinking of crushing the child, his fists had enlarged and became a stone like texture. The boy screamed for his life as he pulled his fist back, swinging directly at the kids chest and launching him straight into a building. His bones were crushed on impact. Sorin looked at the boy, laughing hysterically at the lifeless body that lay before him. [color=92278f]"What a useless human!”[/color] Sorin's hands now returning to normal, he walked over to the body kneeling over and searching for any valuables. Sorin stood back up and turned to continue his walk to Emma's place[color=92278f] "I really hope she is home so I finally get to talk to her alone.”[/color] he said in an excited sounding tone.