[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEwNi4xYmIzMTQuUm5KbGVXRSwuMA,,/viking.regular.png[/img] [img]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w36/Sarah_Marie_Barr/be5d0205-e1c9-40b3-90ee-4cf257b27690_zpsjajpstym.jpg[/img][/center] [hider][center][color=FFFACD]Sophia "If you can't lay them, slay them."[/color] [hider=Current Attire] [u]Current Attire[/u] [img]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w36/Sarah_Marie_Barr/freya3_zpsr5oxwz2s.jpg[/img][/hider] [u]Necklace[/u] [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/59/1d/0b/591d0b3063eefaed3c331083f836e2ec.jpg]Here[/url] [u]Location[/u] Seattle - Fifth Floor of an Apartment Building[/center] [u]OCC:[/u] Hope it's ok to break out the drugs. After all, she is the ultimate party girl[/hider] [color=00FF7F][i]Thor approached her, bearing a gift. He presented the most beautiful unique kittens she had ever seen. He stated that he had found them while he was fishing for a sea dragon and could only think of one woman who could provide a home for them. Delighted, she reached out to take them and gasped in realization that the two cats were blue. Kindly, Freya was enchanted with Thor's present and did the kittens honor by letting them accompany her on her daily rounds across the sky...[/i] Sophia awoke suddenly, and was distraught to find that she was still suffering from a fuzzy haze. She rose from the bed, rubbing her temples, trying to ease the pounding headache. Opening her eyes, she caught sight of a mirror on her bedside table where a small amount of white powder remained. A razor blade and a rolled up one hundred dollar bill lay next to the mirror. Perhaps a pick me up would relieve the veil which cloaked her mind. She moved towards the mirror to fix herself a line, then indulged the upper quickly through her nose. She leaned her head back as the drug lessened her haze...but did not make it go away. [b]Meow...[/b] Sophia turned at the soft sound, surprised to find two cats that stared intensely back at her. She fell to her knees and began the typical cat lover ritual. [b]"Hi pretty kitties![/b] She cooed and lovingly caressed the two cats. [b]"Oh mommy loves you so much! Yes I do.[/b] She spent over five minutes showing the cats affection and was happy to see the two respond likewise. A knock at the door startled her followed by a man's voice. It must have belonged to the gentleman she had rescued earlier. She rose from her cats, who were looking wearily towards the bedroom door. She checked her beautiful self in the mirror, straightened her dress, re-positioned her bodacious breasts, then smoothed her long blonde hair before advancing to open the door. She stood in the door, looking like the seductive goddess that she was and smiled lightly at the man. [b]Hello.[/b] She extended her hand in the common American gesture and offered to shake upon greeting. [b]"My name is Sophia. How are you feeling?"[/b] The ruby necklace pulsed against her neckline at the sight of a man. He appeared to be unharmed as her playful blue eyes gazed up at him. [@Raijinslayer] [/color]