[center] [img]http://static.zerochan.net/Mika.Pikazo.full.1930543.jpg[/img] [color=7bcdc8][b][h2]"I want to put a smile on everybody's face, even though I'm a monster."[/h2][/b][/color] [color=7bcdc8][u][b]Name[/b][/u][/color] Maki Caper [color=7bcdc8][u][b]Age[/b][/u][/color] [u][color=7bcdc8]Human Age[/color][/u] 15 [color=7bcdc8][u]Vampire Age[/u][/color] 50 [color=7bcdc8][u][b]Gender[/b][/u][/color] Female [color=7bcdc8][u][b]Bio[/b][/u][/color] Maki never knew of her real parents, she had lost them at a young age due to an unknown cause, maybe she was kidnapped from her original family? Who exactly knows. Maki was raised to be a human pet to the vampire family, having blood drained from her even from a young age, by 'blood donations'. As she got older her blood had started to get more rich and tasty for the vampires, she allowed all of this to happen to her, believing that all of this was very normal. She had some education from the older vampires, but she doesn't really know all of that is going on in the world around the house she lived in. When Maki was fifteen, she was drained from her neck by her adoptive mother with no warning, she closed her eyes accepting what was in stock for her. When Maki woke up, she found out that her throat was dry and thirsty, as if it was lusting for something. And at that moment, she had realized what she had become. She was joined in with her 'family', and become a blood thirsty beast. A vampire. [color=7bcdc8][u][b]Personality[/b][/u][/color] [color=7bcdc8][u]Human Personality[/u][/color] Celestina's human personality is very caring, she always walks around with a smile on her face, and is very nice to everybody she see's. She's told that she lights the family up in the darkest of times. Her human personality can be very wimpy as well, she has never fed from anybody with her human personality, due to her not wanting to hurt them. She cares for all, no matter what species. [color=7bcdc8][u]Vampire Personality[/u][/color] Maki's vampire personality is the opposite of her human personality, she no longer cares for anything once she shuts off her humanity. She never smiles kindly, the closest you could get to a smile would be a smirk, only when she insults the werewolf family. She gives no mercy to her anybody before her, despite her being a newly born vampire and all. Maki feeds on human pets with this personality, only treating them as slaves to her. She absolutely despises the hybrids, but not as much as the werewolf race. [color=7bcdc8][u][b]Other[/b][/u][/color] [u][color=7bcdc8]Hunters Curse[/color][/u] Maki's biological parents were supernatural hunters in different cities, and the gene passed down to Maki. With this curse in her blood stream, her body is attacked, and strange markings appear on her body which send her into severe pain. The markings resemble that of black knives running up her arms to her face. There is currently no cure for her condition, but she tries to handle it as best she can. She'll have these curse attacks every six weeks or so. [color=7bcdc8][u]Birthday[/u][/color] December 21st [color=7bcdc8][u]Sexuality[/u][/color] Pansexual - Human Homosexual - Vampire [color=7bcdc8][u]Theme Song[/u][/color] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bB5sRgSy79w[/youtube] [/center]