Okay guys here it is! Relationship Sheet HOOOOOOOOOEEEE! If you guys think anything here is off about how you imagined the relationship would go just message me either here or in a PM and I can fix it pronto! I will edit it whenever we get more connections built or actually into the RP itself. [hider=Troy's Relationships] [color=gray][color=FE9A2E]Aella Strand:[/color] "Uh... she is cool, I guess. She is in the same house as me, but we don't really have any reason to talk. I also think she is a quiet person on top of that. If she ever needs anything she could always ask me; but I don't think she would." Troy doesn't know a whole lot about Aella considering how intoverted she is and how he doesn't have a big reason to talk to her unlike some of the other older kids. Despite this, If they were to meet they might discover that both of their parents hold their inner demons. While one is magical and the other mundane, both have caused them to lead harder lives than they should. [color=FE9A2E]Aurelia Faulkner:[/color] "I don't hang out with the upperclassmen all that much, but I am pretty sure she is a bully. Everytime I see her in the hall she says some pretty mean things. On the bright side she seems like the smarty-pants type, in both the know it all sense and -actually- knowing it all." Troy would always have a problem relating to Aurelia as he is never one to lash out at others when under attack. He has a sneaking suspision that she is kinder than she lets people see, though that is less of a specific insight into her and more of a belief in the kindness of all people. Though unlikely, If she and Tory ever got to know each other better they might realise the loneliness they both share. [color=FE9A2E]Hestia Wintergerald:[/color] "Uh... It's not that I don't like Hestia, she obviously means well, I just... Don't like being tip-toed around. She is very mom-ish which is fine considering she is older and probably knows a lot, I just don't like how she looks at me. She seems wary whenever around me, like I need to be taken care of." Like the other upperclassmen so far, Troy doesn't have a whole lot of reason to be around Hestia as she doesn't share any of the same hobbies as him. The one time they really got to meet, when Hestia was taking care of the young-uns as she is apt to do, Troy was a bit caught off guard by her. Her personality is very specifically the one that makes Troy feel akward, reminding him of his disability constantly when they are around. Despite this, he knows she means well and he certainly knows she is someone he can go to if he ever needs help. [color=FE9A2E]Echo Halcyone:[/color] "I like Echo a whole lot. We share both Quidditch and Choir as hobbies and I look up to her as someone to learn from in both. We don't interact much in Choir after the upperclassmen stopped squeling about how cute all the new kids were - I'm not cute by the way don't let that be a thing - since we would only work together in mixed songs. After I got accepted onto my houses Quidditch team things got a bit more competitive between the two of us, we both have something to prove to each other now. Like I already said, I think I have a lot to learn from her as a Seeker and it will be super duper hard when we play against eachother. That being said, I can't wait to see her face when I do beat her, hah." Out of all the upperclassmen, it makes sense that Troy is the closest to Echo. Though not quite friends persay they have a fairly unique dynamic considering the many shared intrests and equally extroverted personalities. He sincerly hopes they can become pretty good friends despite the age difference, considering how much he looks up to her. [color=FE9A2E]Lü Ziya:[/color] "Yeah this guy is like a legend amongst the other first years, some think he is a ghost, some think he is an alien, I think he is probably just a little weird. Nothing wrong with that, we all are a little weird in our own ways. Him just a little more than most." Lü is considered as a natural wonder amongst some of the first years. This wonder is -mostly- lost on Troy, though if the opportunity presented itself to get to know Lü he would probably jump at the chance. Though too young to follow most of his political ramblings, Troy would greatly respect the fact that he sticks to his beliefs. [color=FE9A2E]Cassandre La Flamme:[/color] "My other senior in the choir club, Cassandre, is super cool. I hear she even plays guitar... so awesome. It's really weird though, people are either really attracted to her or mean to her and I'm not sure why. I mean the attraction makes a lot of sense, she is super pretty. I can't stand bullies though, I hope she is okay." Troy doesn't actually know a whole lot about Cassandre. He knows she has her own problems, but not the root of the cause. He personally, after hearing about the punk band, thinks she is incredibly cool and kind of envies her ability to play an instrument. Cassandre doesn't seem to share Troy's love of Quidditch but music is easily enough for them to get along. [color=FE9A2E]Amelia Averyonna:[/color] "Oh uh... Amelia too? Well she uh is pretty great. Out of the people in my year I kind of feel closest to her, though I don't actually know what she thinks about me. It is really hard to communicate with her since we have to do it in writing. She seems really sad and I just don't know how to help. I wish she only knew how talented she was. Her art is beautiful and super duper impressive. Hey.. Uh don't tell her I said a lot of this though. I mean you can tell her about the art, just not... uhh.. the first stuff." Amelia quickly became an important person for Troy, the fact that they both have disabilities made him feel like she might be able to understand him in a way that other people can't. Though often frustrated with how hard it is to communicate with Amelia, caused not only by her muteness but also by her shyness and lack of self-confidence, he is incredibly tenacious in seeking her out and offering to eat lunch with her or hang out after classes outside. His feelings about the young girl are often conflicted, plagued by the indescision that he hasn't ever really had to deal with before, his feelings for her are not exactly entirely platonic. At the same time, the difficulty of understanding what she is thinking has left him in a difficult position. [color=FE9A2E]Carlo Valentine:[/color] "Carlo is a guy it feels like everyone knows. Heck I even know him and I don't even know why. I mean, I guess he is pretty cool. Never had a reason to talk to him though." Carlo Valentine is a lot like Aurelia in the sense that neither seems to have a really good reason to care about the first years. Even if they did interact with the young-uns it probably wouldn't be a pleasent time for anyone involved, except for maybe all the first years that have crushes on the two of them. As such, Troy is left a bit in the dark about all things Carlo. At the end of the day they would probably not get along all that well, as though they have similar personalities they are juuuuust different enough to rub eachother the wrong way. [color=FE9A2E]Ariadne Tune:[/color] "Ariadne is alot like Aella really, they both are my seniors in House Good but I'm not super close to either of them. They both seem to keep to themselves so much I don't even really hear alot about them from the other kids." Ariadne is another enigma to Troy, his curiousity makes him want to know more about his mysterious seniors but he really doesn't have a place to start with them. When it comes to the traumas they faced, Troy would have a hard time understanding considering he was always an only child. [color=FE9A2E]Edgar Whitby:[/color] "Eddy is a life saver! Honestly I didn't think alot of my classes would be this hard. I am just not cut out for a bunch of this stuff. When I was struggling to study for one of my exams he helped me without a second thought. He is the person in my house that I am closest too, which is saying something considering I don't really know that much about him. Everytime we talk it's about school stuff." Troy admires Edgar quite a bit and will always seek out his help when things get rough in class. Since this is Troy's first year at the Salem Witches' Institute he is left not knowing about Edgar's trouble with his fellow classmates and his teacher. In Troy's innocence he thinks Edgar is among the coolest people he has met so far. [color=FE9A2E]Emily Geralds:[/color] "Emily is the third of the Choir Trio. I like to think of her kind of as the most well rounded of the three, almost the glue of the friendship maybe! All that being said, I don't really know her super well. She was kind when she introduced herself and wasn't super intimidating, I think we will get along fine." Troy is always pleased to hang out with Emily, something about her personality just meshes well with his. The only problem arises when she brings her fluffy demon with her everywhere. Even the memories of that rough tongue sliding up his skin is enough to make him quesy. This reaction is only magnified when it actually happens again. [/color][/hider]