Zymeni listened to the man before nodding. "Ay I'm good with tools. And weapons too." He decided to hide his magical skills for a while. Sometimes people didn't appreciate them. Thanking the man he got back on his horse and left. As he entered the tavern he order a mead and a pot of stew. Simple and inexpensive. Giving a few off his coins he asked the barkeep about possible jobs in the city. As he was talking a two men next to him were discussing the Hunters Guild's recruitment. His interest piqued Zyemni asked them about it. This must of been the guild the man was talking about, he thought to himself as the two men described the way to the guild hall. Thanking them he left the tavern, leading his horse from the stables and riding towards the hall. As he tied Vioarr to the post outside and entered he gulped nervously. The room was darker than outside and that was good for Zy. Using his powers he slightly shrouded himself in shadows and made his way into a spot between torches where the light was dimmer. Here he stopped the shroud and looked around. There were a lot of people. It surprised him. He wondered what the guild did. The only guild he knew of was a guild in a story his mother told him about and they used were mercenaries. He wondered if these guys were the same.