[centre][img=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/47/Emblem_of_North_Korea_%281948%29.svg] [/centre] As we look upon the current situation facing our friends and comrades in China, we find ourselves greatly moved by their plight. When the Chinese nation was at the crossroads of life or death, they fought valiantly against the brutal invasion forces of the Japanese criminals and against the reactionary forces of the Kuomintang. It saddens us greatly to see that once again peace is threatened as China finds itself in a situation much like our own. We too know what it is like to be divided from our countrymen who remain under the control of a US backed treacherous clique. Peace is valuable for every nation, but it is more so for nations who have been exposed to the danger of war and China, like us, is one of these nations. We in Korea feel deeply the warm bonds of solidarity and friendship. We have every confidence that both of our countries will be united once and for all under the revolutionary principles of the working class, so that we may advance into the future along the road of socialism and into a firm victory against imperialism. We are firmly convinced that although the puppet cliques think of themselves as strong, they are mistaken. They cannot stand against the indomitable tide of the people's will. It is by the unity and struggle of the people that the nation's desires for reunification will be realised both in China and in Korea! Through our common bonds and similar hardships, we are certain that however many years may pass, an everlasting and eternal DPRK-China friendship shall become fostered upon the road of the protracted struggle against imperialism and for independence, reunification and socialism. -Kim Il Sung, Premier of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea