Sierra couldn't tell if she was impressed by this realm, or put off by it. The world of Rosa Claire was similar to earth, but entirely different in the same breath; every colour was somehow more vibrant, familiar scents of flowers and leaves more potent, to the point of perfume. Every perception was bombarded by the slightly exaggerated world, so much more intense to her heightened senses than it may have been to others. Even Jaeger, who normally had no trouble sticking to her side, seemed overwhelmed. The oversized german shepherd dashed between trees, objects and people, trying to take in every scent and sight and sound around him in an excited daze. Sierra whistled sharply, bringing Jaeger loping back to her side. He still looked excitedly around, but she wasn't too concerned; the only harm he'd do to anybody was scaring them with his size or licking them to death. Scents bombarded her nose much the same way they bombarded Jaeger's. She'd never seen so many other species of myths in one place, and many of their scents were so peculiar she couldn't find anything to compare them to. Hands in her pockets, she clung to the wall of what looked to be a dorm building, content to stay on the outskirts of the crowd until she got a little more used to the stimuli. Oh, if only she had chosen another place to stand. Within a few minutes, a window near her burst open with a bang and from inside came the howling of what Sierra could only assume was a tone-deaf banshee, for its grating effect. She jumped and promptly ducked when a flower pot narrowly missed her head, clattering to pieces on the stone walkway behind her. Jaeger's hackles raised at the window, and he growled. "Woah, hey!" Sierra shouted up at the window, "Watch the freakin' shot put, will ya?" She had no clear view as to who was inside, but decided to mark that voice on her list of crazies to avoid and promptly got the hell away from the building, grumbling curses under her breath and calling Jaeger to heel. She gathered with the others in the courtyard for the assembly, staying nearer the back of the crowd. Jaeger sat by her side, and she idly scratched his neck, much to his enjoyment. So, supernatural features were exaggerated here too? No wonder she felt so wound up - it was as if the beast inside her was more desperate to emerge than usual. She found herself eager for the change to slip into her fur and find out just how augmented she was. [i]I wonder what the full moon feels like here...[/i] Her thoughts wandered for a moment after the headmistress dissipated, wondering how they dealt with such a diverse set of species and powers and whether she'd get excused from class on the days around the full moon. By the time her train of thought chugged its way to changing facilities, she noticed that her dog was no longer by her side. "Hey! Jaeger!" she called, running into the crowd after a dash of brown fur. She whistled, but got no response. The dog must have caught a scent too interesting to ignore. Jaeger weaved easily through the crowd, and Sierra found his trail by following the line of surprised exclamations and occasional yelps from the unexpected passerby. She found him circling someone, relentlessly sniffing and barking excitedly. The subject of his interest was an unnecessarily tall shirtless guy, with brown hair and a lacework of tattoos. Sierra paid little mind, she set her priorities on grabbing her dog and produced his leash from her backpack - a traffic leash with barely a foot of slack, to keep him close. "Sorry about him," Sierra said hastily as she buckled the leash. Standing straight when she was done, her head barely came to his chest height. Not faltering, she craned to look up and continued, "He really doesn't normally act this way. Normally he sticks right to me. You must smell like food or something, you don't have any-" A sudden breeze swept through the courtyard, carrying the man's scent and immediately stopping Sierra in her tracks. This guy was a Lycan, no mistaking it. She was surprised she hadn't picked up on it sooner, as you had to be a pretty lousy Lycan not to recognize the scent of your own kind and her nose had never failed her before. Whatever the reason, this guy carried both the presence and the stature of someone with rank, sending Sierra's instincts running a mile a minute and forcing her eyes awkwardly to the ground. Even Jaeger seemed to sense it. Grinning awkwardly and sparing short glances upward, she muttered, "Anyway, uh, sorry."