[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/1GNnW.jpg[/img][/center] [center][url=http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=435192]Photo Source[/url][/center] [center][color=8493ca]Therese Voerman-Caper[/color] (left) and [color=ec008c]Jeanette Voerman-Caper[/color] (right)[/center] [center][b]Age[/b]: Our last sunrise was two lifetimes ago [b]Gender:[/b] Both are female [b]Bio:[/b] Therese is the eldest sister of the pair. They were born to your average family at the time, and then raised by their single father after their mother passed away. Much to everyone’s disbelief, Therese and Jeanette did get along at one point, when they were little girls, but this was only because their father didn’t allow Therese out much, stating that she would get hurt in the outside world. Jeanette was the only one who was there for Therese, and together they would create their own fantasy world which they would rule over, they never knew how similar their future reality would come to this fantasy. Therese and Jeanette’s father was an abusive man, even going so far as to frequently molest Therese. Jeanette hated him for what he did to Therese, and how he made her feel, so she began to act out by committing small crimes and sleeping around, forever the problem child. Therese, however, felt a twisted version of love for her abuser, and even got jealous if he showed affection towards others. When they were teenagers, their father died. The story of how he died differs depending on which sister you ask. According to Therese, their father committed suicide because Jeanette was such a bad daughter, and she tormented their father with her promiscuity. Jeanette, however, says that their daddy came home drunk one night and mistook her for Therese, beginning to molest her instead. Therese caught them together, and in a jealous fit, she shot him with one of his own hunting rifles. Regardless of what actually happened that night, the police put orphaned Jeanette and Therese in a mental institution, where they remained until young adulthood. Therese managed to escape with the help of her mysterious vampire sire, and the first thing she did with this newfound life was find Jeanette and embrace(pretty word for turn her into a vampire) her so she could be free as well. Therese rose to power by being a very successful business woman. Jeanette just trailed alongside her sister, doing her own thing, and not really lusting for power. After the murder of the Capers’ previous Baron, Therese became the Baroness of New York City in his place. Her base of operations and primary business source is The Asylum, a gothic nightclub in her barony. Therese runs the finances and business side of things, while Jeanette lures in patrons for the club and keeps the party going all through the night. ([url=http://vtmb.wikia.com/wiki/Therese_Voerman]Source[/url]) [b]Personality:[/b] [color=7ea7d8][i]Therese[/i][/color] Therese is very intelligent, arrogant, ruthless and cunning, with a superb mind for business. She isn’t entire awful, however, as she genuinely cares for Jeanette, and believes she is responsible for her survival as a vampire. Therese is something of a prude, pious and chaste, and is disgusted by the thought of her sister having sex with mortals, or even other vampires for that matter. As a Malkavian, Therese suffers from obsessive compulsions, being insanely preoccupied with cleanliness and order. [color=ec008c][i]Jeanette[/i][/color] Jeanette is highly promiscuous, and takes many lovers, humans included. She is very needy in most things, using a mixture of her childish nature and potent sexuality to get whatever she wants out of unlife. Jeanette will often mock her older sister for her piousness and snobbery. Others see Jeanette as spontaneous, friendly, fun to talk to, and firecracker of a personality, albeit a touch annoying at times. As a Malkavian, Jeanette suffers from hypersexual nymphomania, although if you ask her, it really isn’t ‘suffering’. [b]Other:[/b] [i]Malkavian Curse:[/i] Jeanette and Therese are of a Malkavian vampire bloodline, this means that their sire, and any new vampires that they choose to sire, will also be of Malkavian blood. Malkavians are known by many to be cursed with some form of irredeemable insanity and paranoia. Malkavians, however, see this curse as a special blessing, a gift of insight, even. Throughout history, Malkavians have been the seers and oracles of vampire clans, bound by strange compulsions and insight. Another common indicator of Malkavian bloodline is heterochromia, which both sisters have. ([url=http://whitewolf.wikia.com/wiki/Malkavian_(VTM)]Source[/url]) Additionally, while both sisters are well known in the public eye and within the Caper family, no one has ever seen them in the same room at the same time, their sibling rivalry just runs that deep. [/center]