I am so sorry for the late post!! Thank you for responding to the PM and understanding about my laptop being stolen. I'm borrowing a friend's so I hope this is alright until I figure this out. Sorry again for this major inconvenience. Thanks for being so understanding. Sorry, had to rewrite it so the ending is choppy but if it's alright, I would love a chance to rewrite it after I take my exam due at midnight tonight. Thanks again! Name: Petra Ducrat Element: Earth/Stone Age: 18 years of age Race: Unfortunately Human….sorry Gender: Female Nature/Appearance: Petra is a sturdy young woman who knows the meaning of hard work. You wouldn’t guess by her curvy, feminine figure but beneath the usual dark pants and oversized shirts she normally wears, her body holds a surprising amount of strength and power. She normally ties her shoulder length nut brown hair back into a bun to keep it out of her eyes. Her mud brown eyes are normally intent and focused on the task in front of her. Her determination can be seen through her strong frame in her 5'8 body. Most people who see her assume she wouldn’t understand “adult work” but little do they know that she gained that comprehension at a very young age. Backstory: Petra was born and raised in Diedremere where her family had resided for several generations. Her father and brother kept food on the table, quite literally, with their hunting skills and by selling the extra meat to the local butcher. Petra would spend the day with her mother, feeding the miners who worked so diligently from dusk to dawn. She had always enjoyed hearing the stories the miners shared, barely allowing them to finish their story before shooting another question their way. Petra couldn’t quite describe why she felt so drawn to the miners and their stories but aside from her family, that was the only strong bond she had in her life. The clearest and closest bond she had was the one she shared with her twin brother. These two were practically inseparable and would occasionally tease their parents by dressing like the other. With Petra’s shoulder length hair and the same deep brown eyes, their only differentiating factor was their gender. Their identical freckles and bright smiles were the outward features that reflected their playful spirits. They would occasionally display their playful nature by running around by the base of the mountain and seeing how far the other could climb. Little did they know, how much they were playing with fate. On the day of her and her brother’s birthday, the Ducat family deciding to climb the mountain near their home and celebrate the birth of these two special children. As Petra and her family set off for the mountain, she couldn’t help shake this eerie feeling. The skies were clear and the breeze was light so she hiked alongside her family, up the mountain to where they would have their picnic. The day was as close to perfect as it possibly could have been….until they began their trek home. They were coming around the final pass before the descent into their village when the mountain began to shift beneath them. Her father immediately shielded his family by stretching his arms over them. He encompassed them in his protective arms when the boulders began falling. They rolled right past them at first but then began to get dangerously close. Soon the world went black. By the time Petra came to her senses, the villagers had already rushed to the rock slide and pulled her from the aftermath. As she awoke, she stood up shakily staggering over to her brother and gently squeezed his hand. “Kellan, we made it. Where’s papa and mama?” Kellan gave no response so she tried again. Horrified by the reality that was beginning to sneak in, she shook her brother’s shoulders only to find that no matter how hard she tried, Kellan was not going to wake up. She felt like the earth was angry with her for ignoring the warning it so graciously gave. Well, she would show the earth just how “grateful” she was. At the young age of 14, Petra became the youngest mining worker in the village. She would angrily thrust her sickle into the rough earth and envision her hard work as a way to gain vengeance on the murderous earth. Her once playful nature was stifled and replaced with a dark hatred fueled by the desire to lash back on the one thing that took what mattered to her most. She blamed the mountain for taking her family from her and leaving her all alone. Oddly enough, the only place she didn’t feel alone was in the mines. As she continued to grow in strength and beauty, she took notice of a strange attachment she felt to the environment around her. She felt strongest when covered in the dust from mining the stones and the grainy sand beneath her. Petra celebrated each birthday in the darkest caves that ran beneath the mountain. She used to imagine the ceiling caving in and her being helpless to escape. As she would lie there on the cold, hard ground, she felt like her family was sitting around her, celebrating like they did on the day of the tragedy. But something was different this year. Petra didn’t see anything special about her 17th birthday but as she placed her rough palms faced down on the earth, she was shocked to feel a pulse running the cave and throughout the surrounding area. She felt each shift of the stones as feet crunched them beneath their boots. What could this possibly mean? Petra returned to the caves every night after that to find out why she felt so drawn to the earth beneath her. Her connection continued to grow and intensify for the next year as she began to become more in tune with the surrounding life around her. Goal: Petra wants to continue learning more about her abilities and find out if she is the only one with these capabilities. Inventory: • Pick axe • Serrated blade knife • Water pouch