[hr][h1][i][color=MediumSlateBlue]Lucille Hartigan[/color], [color=plum]Trevor Obott[/color], & [color=Springgreen]Cindy Keagan[/color].[/i][/h1][hr] A short walk through the beach, kicking sand underneath their feet. Trevor, Cindy, and Lucille, were on a mission to sabotage the party. [i]Awful lot of people here.[/i] Cindy noted, with a wry grin on her face. She could probably take a [i]lot[/i] of incriminating photos of people, and release them all over the internet. Not that she was going to (But the idea seemed a bit appealing, just for fun). She kept walking, twirling the tie around her neck. Those sharp brown eyes scanning the area around her. "Oh. I have an idea." Trevor suddenly said, coming to a halt. His attention rested on the various boxes of pizza that were scattered throughout the area. "How about [i]I[/i] use my magic finger to make their food a little more... exciting?" He said with a grin. "Heh, I'm game." Cindy said, spinning her tie a little faster. "You might need a little distraction, though...." She looked over to the nearest pizza box. There were a few dudes around it, and Trevor standing over it wouldn't go unnoticed. "Yeah! Just make the best trip for everyone!" Lucille sneered at Trevor's idea. "Lucy, just go over there and look pretty." Cindy said. "[i]That'll[/i] distract them. Heh." Lucy discreetly peeked over her left shoulder towards the group around the pizza box. What she saw was able to ruin the day of anyone. Especially hers. She didn't needed a lot of deduction to guess who was among the group. The first guy had four arms and she was sure it was Tom; [i]after all, he was the only one who had four arms and moved like a fool,[/i] she thought. If one was there, the troupe of clowns would also be with them. Beside him she saw John who was smaller but far stronger. She didn't see Mike though. He was probably at home with a broken nose. "That's a bad idea," Lucy said to the group. "I had a little fight with John some time ago, I just want to stay away from him." "... That'll make it even more distracting!" Trevor said, with a dumb smile on his face. Rolling her eyes, Cindy shifted her weight to one hip, and slapped a hand onto it. "Won't that make it much more fun to fuck with them? It'll only take a minute." "What I'm supposed to say?" Lucy's voice was boiling with indignation, she was about to outburst in a stupid rage. "Ask Tom if he has two dicks - or four!" Trevor said. Cindy once again rolled her eyes. "Look girl, they're a bunch of horndogs in a party. You don't even need to say anything. They'll be too busy drooling." She shrugged. "I'll head over there with ya'. Give you a hand." "Gosh. I don't believe that I'm doing this," Lucy admitted grabbing Cindy's wrist and dragged her along. "Let's just finish this quickly." "Whoa, girl!" Cindy said with a smirk on her face. She was curious as to where Lucille was going to take this. Lucy and Cindy walked toward the group. Lucy's heart was pounding, deep down she didn't knew what to say to John or Tom. "John!" She yelled with a cynical smile on her face. "And... Tom!" She said after a few seconds trying to remember who was the Moskau next to him. "YOU FUCKING BITCH!" Tom was about to rush towards her when John intervened. Deep down John still had feelings—or at least wanted a taste—for Lucille. Every time he tried to hit her she went with a big no. No one says no to John Hayward, [b]no one[/b]. Cindy had already raised her foot into the air a bit. All she'd have to do is bring it down, and the sand underneath their feet would turn into glass. A barrier between herself and them. "Easy bro, it's a party," he said holding Tom's upper arm. "Let's just have fun." Cindy put her foot down - but didn't use her power. She felt a bit relieved things didn't immediately escalate to violence. She started twirling her tie, with a wry grin on her face. "... You and John [i]still[/i] causing trouble? Damn. Some things really don't care." She rolled her eyes up into her head. She knew of the brothers, and how they were simply a bunch of thugs. Nobodies who wouldn't have anything without their superpowers (And even then, they wouldn't lose a lot) Cindy eyed Trevor walking up from behind, giving them the thumbs up. Cindy decided. "We just came over to talk. Talk out the bad blood between ya'll." "Things got heated in the NEST ball." John said looking over Lucille. "But we cool." "For now," Tom grunted to himself. "Nice to see you here, Cindy." He smiled. "You've become friends or..." Everyone knew that Lucille had her thing towards girls, John's hopes were minimal. But he was a rich boy anyway. Harder the fish is to catch, the better. "Yeah, friends." Cindy answered. What Tom was implying flew right over her head. "It's goood that you boys decided to play nice. Hate to have to use my powers." Meanwhile, Trevor was slowly sneaking up to the pizzabox. He gave the girls the thumbs up, before he opened the box. He looked at the contents, only one slice of pizza was taken. Jackpot. He raised his hand over it, and began secreting his liquid drug. Which dripped off his fingers, and onto the pizza. Since it was clear, it would be hard to differentiate from the grease and cheese. He slowly took steps back, and acted like he didn't have anything to do with this. "So, how'syour brother nose, Mike?" Lucille spontaneously said looking at Tom mistaking their names as usual. She had good intentions at least. But Tom was about to burst into rage. "You!" Tom was about to punch her in the face but he felt John's hand grabbing his arm, hard. "He's okay," he said freeing his arm with a sudden movement. "Yeah, right, sorry about that..." Lucy coughed. "I'll let you guys sharing the cool stories... I'm going to the bathroom," she said going in one direction. "I even would stay for the pizza but I'm in a strawberry only diet." [i]Cya, fuckers[/i], she thought to herself drifted away getting lost in the crowd. Her mind overflowing with thoughts. [i]Perhaps... nah...[/i]; maybe she isn't playing her same game, she concluded. She was starting to like Cindy though. Cindy had thrown her hands up into the air. "Well." She shrugged, keeping that smug grin on her face. "Ain't she unpredictable?" Cindy asked, but they ignored her. Trevor's plan worked perfectly. She stuck around for a second - She [i]wanted[/i] to see what Trevor's drug does to them. A few moments after Tom calmed himself down, he grabbed a slice of pizza, and Cindy had to resist laughing as the effects of the drug immediately kicked in. He went dead eyed for a moment, as he took another bite, then another. One by one, the rest of the group took bites out of the pizza, succumbing to the effects of the drug. Eventually, each of them were sedated. "Hehehe... Assholes." Cindy said, casually twirling her tie as she turned and walked off. She needed to catch up with Lucy. Talk to her about what weird ass things just happened. It was about this time that REAPER pulled their ambush. They quickly ran up on Lucy, using the crowd as a cover. The female REAPER Agent slapped a power nulifying collar around Lucy's neck, while the man put a bag over her head. "... Keep calm, and you won't get hurt." He said as Lucy writhed and screamed under the bag. "Calm down." He said, the female REAPER pulled her fist back, and punched Lucy right in the gut. Under the effects of the collar, her power wouldn't be able to defend her. Lucy grunted in pain. Tears fell from her eyes as she felt her legs become weak, unable to bear her own weight. Cindy was casually strolling in the direction of Lucille. Twirling her black tie as she always did... Her hand released the tie, and went to her side, as her mouth opened wide, the second she saw these men dragging Lucille off. She just met the girl, and she knew that this was fucked up. She couldn't just let her get kidnapped like this! Cindy picked up the pace. Heroism was never her strong suit, but Cindy had to do [i]something[/i].