[quote=@Sodium] [@Crimson Raven] Thanks, asshole. Try living in fear of losing consciousness and control of your body for 3-5 minutes. Happens while driving? Haha, good luck peeling yourself off whatever you wreck into. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=grand+mal+seizure [/quote] *sigh* if you knew you had problems like that, why are you staying up in the first place? Seems like a dumb move to me. But I digress, I dont want to fill Lava's OOC with an irrelevent argument. If you have more to say, PM me [s]and I will enjoy crossing mental swords with you.[/s] Edit in resopnse to edit: [quote=@Sodium] Congrats on being the first person to make me mad in three years. That's quite an accomplishment, especially for such a recent acquaintance. [/quote] What can I say? I love to get people riled up, its a favorate hobby of mine. Especially people who complain.