[hider=Chivalry Even In Death] Name(Full): Sir Arin Bladewreath The Under-Knight Age: ??? Race: Skeleton Appearance: [img]http://pre12.deviantart.net/4efc/th/pre/i/2013/164/8/7/skeleton_knight_by_xertefan-d68w7fd.png[/img] Personality: Hes you're stereotypical knight, but beneath his kind and honorable exterior is a much more cruel and vile side, its a side that he fights to keep under control everyday Background: Sir Arin was risen by the necromancer to join his undead army but on one of his many pillage for his he came upon a Living Blessing being a mindless undead at the time who the words caution had no meaning to him. he approached the Living Blessing and attempted to strike it down but when it blade came in contact the blessing, Sir Arin's Mind was filled with memories of a Valiant Knight whose loyalties lied only with those who could not defend themselves. [/hider]