[center][h2]Ariel[/h2][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/tkuzv4e.png[/img][/center] [center]Where : Sondref, Puca Capital [i]Who : [@1Charak2] Pembroke Ironforge[/i][/center] Ariel won the Puca elections by a landslide. Amongst all the eligible candidates, she had the most qualifications and experience plus she was popular amongst the masses. Though her fellow candidates were slightly disappointed, they were all good sports and congratulated her. This was one of the main reasons Ariel loved her race. Though the Pucas were an unpopular race, peaceful and friendly individuals were attracted to the race's theme and design. Though whether or not that was a good thing in this death game, she had yet to decide. Ariel waived away her aides that were accompanying her and opened up the faction leader menu, swiping agilely at the options. Once she was done, a global announcement sounded throughout the Puca territory notifying everyone that they had formed an «Alliance» with the Gnomes and Leprechauns. Ariel had become acquainted with the other two leaders in the past and proposed the idea through messaging when she realized all three of them were becoming influential in their regions. The three races had perfect synergy after all. "Hopefully, this fragile peace will keep continuing," she muttered. [hr] [center][h2]Risath[/h2][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/r4pKUn0.png[/img][/center] [center]Where : Freelia, Sylph Capital [i]Who : [@GrandzHelios] Kashin[/i][/center] Risath chuckled to herself as the hooded figure flew off. It was meaningful speech, even if it was a tad bit naive. If everyone refused to partake in this death game like he described, it was very possible for the remaining 17,000 players to avoid any bloodshed and hope people on the outside would solve everything for them in due time. But this was originally a PvP-based game and that was more than enough to suggest the type of players that flocked to play it. Even if noone said it, there was tension throughout the world of Alfheim. Everyone was worried and scared... and people commit drastic actions when cornered. The worst part was how easy it was to get detached from the reality of things in this virtual world. With the disturbance gone, Risath resumed her speech and declared her future plans. She would serve as a figurehead as the Sylph leader and would settle all political matters through democracy. In short, she was assuming the position to prevent any sole user from being powerdrunk as well as to allow the capable players into the fields instead of hiding in the towns. It was convincing to say the least as Risath had built up her reputation throughout the past month. She was capable in all aspects and was a kind and helpful person. When she was done with her speech, the other candidates could do little but agree with her. They trusted Risath would keep her word with democracy and this way their progression wouldn't be hampered. With unanimous support from her fellow candidates, Risath took the elections convincingly.