Blur rocketed away after the first tank went up in flames, and with good timing too. No sooner did the tanks deploy their smoke and evasive maneuvers was Swarm hailing round after round of missiles down at them. There was simply no way she could try to move in and engage the last tank through both the fog and the rest of the explosions, so instead she prepped more demo charges and once again took off in a wide arc around the mobile cloud of smoke. [color=00aeef]"Moving into the tank's estimated path, watch your fire."[/color] It took a while to clear enough of a distance to get an idea of where the tank was going as well as where in the cloud it might be, and the latter was more of a shaky guess than anything. As Swarm's artillery continued to rain down, she set a row of charges on the ground crossing the cloud's path. That done, she tore off again, this time taking to the sky to get a better vantage point. If the tank veered off its current path, her plan was foiled, and even if it didn't she'd have to guess when to detonate the charges once the cloud passed over them. Not a great plan, but given the circumstances...