Only having a moment's reprieve from acting friendlier than she felt, the man Vulcarion called over started with talk of introduction. [color=0072bc]"If I may, ser, I'd like to introduce myself. I'm Cecelia of Lothadia. I was picked among the Scouts of my people to represent us. And I presume you would be Azarius, given Vulcarion's call to you earlier."[/color] Bowing slightly in a respectful Elven introduction, she realizes she hadn't given Vulcarion the same courtesy. Hoping it didn't matter much to them of the Elven ways, Cecelia returned her attention to the crowd, looking for any other anomalies. As such, she spotted a half-hidden figure in the shade along one of the large walls. She couldn't make out any distinction on race or age, she guessed it was a male by its mostly-flat chest.