Name: Theta Blackwood Age: 21 Gender: Female Bio: Theta doesn’t like to talk about her parents a lot. Her mom was a human and her dad was a vampire, once they discovered they had a child together, they both felt it best to leave her with the Blackwood family. The former head of the Blackwoods didn’t have children of his own, so he took her in and taught her everything she needed to know about being a hybrid. He explained that hybrid was different and had their own weaknesses and special abilities. Seeing as she was half vampire, she could develop a taste for blood and she might find the sunlight a bit warmer than most humans, but that she was also faster than most people, that she had the ability to convince other humans to do whatever she wanted. Growing up, she was taunted by the other vampire and werewolf children in school. When she questioned her “father”, he finally had to explain who she was and why she was picked on. This earth shattering news destroyed her. Once full of life and ambition, she resigned to her fate to be a “worthless hybrid”. She dropped out of school and started working as a prostitute. This was her job until her adopted father died, at which point she was appointed the new head of the Blackwood family. She does not want this job and she often skips out on important business meetings to get drunk or fool around with her regular customers. Personality: Theta believes everything is a joke. She takes nothing in her life seriously believing that she will die one day, so why worry about what you can’t control. She uses her power to get what and who she wants. Most of the time she is wither buzzed, high, or wasted. It’s very rare to see her without a bottle or flask in her hand. Appearance:[img][/img] Other: She is bisexual and tends not to care who she hits on, even if they are vampires or werewolves.