[center][color=ed1c24][h1]~ Kiara ~[/h1][/color][/center] Kiki made her way to the courtyard, where the greatest density of new students stood, and looked around curiously. The wide doors to the building swung open, and out walked a tall, slender woman dressed in silver robes. Her hair was blonde and streaked with lavender, and her face and words were equally warm and kind. She seemed to be giving instructions to the new students. Kiki was a new student herself, entering the school as a fourth year because of her age. Madame P informed them to find the nearest teacher to get their room assignments before she disappeared in a puff of smoke and purple light. Kiki looked at the empty space where Madame P had stood, a little bit starstruck. Of course, faeries like herself could possess magic, but Kiara hadn't come to master something as simple as a glamour yet, let alone any fancy tricks. Hopefully, this school would help her learn to control her powers, and maybe even discover that she has magic like some of her relatives do. Kiara made her way to the nearest teacher-like supernatural. Many of the cryptids here were so beautiful and youthful, it was hard to tell who was a teenager and who was hundreds of years old. Kiki received her dorm assignment, she was in the girls dormitory with a roommate named Laurel. That was something she hadn't really thought about until now, having a roommate. A girl roommate, too. Females normally didn't like her much, and Kiki was torn between whether she wanted this Laurel to like her, or not. Having a roommate dislike her would make for some good emotional sustenance, but she also kind of wanted to have at least one friend in this strange new realm. Either way, it was time to meet fate, so she headed to room number she was assigned. The dorm room was just as lovely as the rest of the campus. There were live plants and the windows were open, allowing a natural air flow to pass through. Kiki guessed that her side of the room was the one with a bed covered in a blanket made of magically preserved leaves and flowers, so she set her bags down there. Laurel was nowhere to be seen, yet, so Kiki waited around to meet her. The familiar flap of leathery wings was the next thing to catch Kiki's attention. A small, red-eyed, black bat landed on the open window sill on Kiki's side of the room. "Persy, there you are!" Kiara said as she rushed over to her little companion, holding out her palm to the bat. Persephone flitted onto her palm and Kiara brought the bat up to face level and kissed it on it's head.