The 'Bloody Champ' didn't even answer, and further moved in. It fired off its' shoulder mounted rocket pods at the train, which used its plasma-based point defenses to take out a good portion before impact. "Goddamnit, take them out, escorts. Make an example of them.". After its' barrage, it jinked to the left and began circling the train. The Volkov Gunships got off their lazy asses and maneuvered into the fog, using the non-intended use of their jet exhuast to blow away portions of the smoke for easier attack. Immediately after, they flew out and fired an accurate stream of rockets at one of them, apparently taking out a track of the vulcan-equipped one, and severely damaging its' armor. Blur's plan was now much easier, and Joe's next barrage could be a bit more accurate. "We aren't completely useless!.. Scratch that, out of rockets.", they noted before half-retreating to the perimeter of the area, beginning to circle.