This... is an interesting one. Is it still open? (judging by the previous post just 13 minutes ago I'd wager a guess, but I'd rather be safe than sorry^^) I also have a few questions 1 - Is there a criminal underworld?` 2 - Exactly what is the nature of psychic abilities? I would also like a bit more clarification on what they can be, and if we are only humans (you mention Dracula/vampires and such in the beginning, which makes be a tiny bit uncertain) 3 - I understand that we are members of the Society that the head of House Ianus established? 4 - Will he accept former law-breakers (thieves, burglars, etc.) if they put their past behind them and put their skills to "good use"? 5 - (final one, I think) What exactly does a "Mystery" entail? You give us a lot of background information for the setting, but not so much about what the RP's supposed to be centered about. I'd like a bit of clarification on that one. I'm sorry for being such a boore and asking so many questions, but I hope you'll survive :D If not, then I apologize for ruining to Rp by killing the Gm with questions <.<