[h3]Sumaya National Series, August 15th, 1903 issue[/h3] [color=ed1c24][h1][b]MASSACRE NEAR EXPAT[/b][/h1][/color] [img]https://rymimg.com/lk/f/s/6aced0d5a24e7e13faac7d88ce93da54/3765782.jpg[/img] Last night Zellonian forces from neighboring Zellonian Seralia crossed the border, terrorizing local citizens and slaughtering an entire village before retreating back across the border. Witnesses identified the soldiers as members of the 7th Special Attachment Force, a Zellonian company known to be stationed in Hollan. Multiple reports describe the brutality of the Zellonian company towards innocent villagers, including the use of threats, beatings and executions. Witness Utari Tri described the grisly scene: "They arrived in the middle of the night and dragged us out of our houses. They made us line up and pointed guns at us. One man asked me where my husband was (he was away from the village on a business trip at the time). When I said he was away they hit me. 'he's not here' I cried and they hit me again and again, yelling at me 'Where is he? Where is your husband?' They beat me until I could not stand. When my son tried to stop them they hit him too. Two of the boys from the village they shot." Mrs. Utari's story is corroborated by further witnesses, as well as multiple cuts and serious bruises witnessed by our correspondents. The two boys from the village were identified by authorities as Eko Sumar and Iman Wanaki, ages 13 and 14. [img]http://www.nilaya.fr/sites/default/files/styles/proramme_node/public/contents/programmes/56/photos/guerrealgerie2ret_0.jpg?itok=DHk_y7a9[/img] Not content with merely terrifying locals and executing children, the 7th Special Attachment Force launched a full scale attack on the village of Tahtu, slaughtering every man, woman and child at the scene in a brutal ambush before fleeing back across the border. Locals report hearing the sound of rapid gunfire in the vicinity for roughly two hours. Malikate soldiers and investigators arrived to find the village annihilated, with roughly 700 dead Several villagers survived with grievous wounds only to expire despite the best efforts of first responders and medical teams. Our correspondents report seeing "men, women and children" killed indiscriminately, "left out to die in the open without hope of relief." Investigations are still underway, but officials report that the weapons used are an almost certain match for standard-issue Zellonian equipment. Queen Sinta issued a harsh condemnation upon hearing the news, calling it a "cruel and unprovoked massacre of innocents unworthy of any nation" and promising to take "strong measures" in response. The Zellonian ambassador was immediately to the royal palace to account for his government's actions and has not yet left at this time. Local forces have already secured the scene, garrisoning villages along the border. Two regiments from the capital have also been dispatched to reinforce these men and ensure that this atrocity is not repeated. [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e2/Las_tropas_del_teniente_coronel_Tecs%C3%B3n_en_Baler_(mayo_de_1899,_La_Ilustraci%C3%B3n_Art%C3%ADstica,_M._Arias_y_Rodr%C3%ADguez).jpg[/img] Our brave soldiers, now garrisoning one of the border villages against the threat of further attacks