[center][color=linen][h2]Basic Information[/h2][/color][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Felicity Ezekiel [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Nationality:[/b] American [b]Ethnicity:[/b] Ashkenazi Jew [b]Sex:[/b] Female [b]Height:[/b] 5'10" [b]Weight:[/b] 170lbs [b]Eye Color:[/b] Sea green [b]Hair Color:[/b] Light brown, with faded stripes in her hair, indicating previous dye-jobs [b]Physical Disabilities:[/b] Mostly deaf in her left ear. Missing the lower half of her left leg, below the knee, currently using a prosthetic. Missing left eye. [b]Physical Identifiers[/b][list] [*]Pierced septum. [*]Prosthetic left leg. [*]Hammer and sickle tattoo on her right shoulderblade. [*]Eyepatch over her left eye. [/list] [b]Appearance:[/b] Strong and imposing, she's 170lbs of muscle and fat and is used to barreling through people who don't give her space. Her hair is thick and curled and reaches just past her shoulders, and doesn't hold dye too well, either. Her fashion alternates between the regular feminine fare (skirts and cardigans and what have you) and whatever awful, stinky, torn denim she happened to find in a dumpster. She calls it "crustpunk"; everyone else calls it "disgusting". Her facial features are strong and she's proud of them. [hider=Biography] You'd think after a few hundred years, the pacific northwest would drop their antisemitism. They never did. Felicity grew up not really knowing much about where she came from, not really knowing why she got made fun of so much in school for her big nose and curly hair. She didn't know it was something to be ashamed of. The Hitler Youth never really stopped being a thing, despite all the predictions of the American left in the early 2000s. When it came down to it, the left was weak, and the Neo-Nazi movement never slowed down. Even in a more "liberal" part of the country, existing as someone who was obviously Jewish... it was hard. Her parents were another source of trauma. Again, you would think that homophobia would be less prevalent, almost 200 years after the Stonewall riots... but it's not. She was kicked out at a young age for being unable to hide her feelings for other girls, and was forced to stay with her grandparents. They were almost worse, but more quiet about it. They "tolerated" her, but only so long as she didn't make it obvious that she was gay. Her parents weren't actually religious, but her grandparents were, shoving their 'culture' down her throat despite her constant protest. She became a radical leftist pretty early on (encounters with the Hitler kids will do that to you) and embraced an ideology of anarcho-communism. She went to protests and enacted anti-right-wing demonstrations in her youth. When she was 15 years old a cop ran over her leg with a truck, leaving it completely crushed. They left her there like that for over 2 hours, screaming until she passed out in pain. In the end, it had to be amputated. The cop was "reprimanded" and sent on paid vacation for 2 months. At 18, she was participating in a counter-protest against the local Neo-Nazi group. Someone threw a rock at her group; they threw rocks back. Rocks escalated to bottles. It wasn't very clear what exactly happened next, but someone from one of the two groups had brought a molotov and let it fly. Their toss went wild, though, and the bottle ended up flying straight into the air, landing right in the middle of the two crowds. Several people were burned. Two died of their burns. Four more died from being trampled by the scattering crowds. Felicity was relatively lucky, all things considered; she lost an eye to a combination of glass shrapnel and the screaming, tumultuous crowd. She's experienced more pain and trauma in her short time as a political demonstrator than most people get to see in their entire lives. She likes to consider herself as someone who is soft and caring, but it is difficult for her to trust others when she has been through so much hurt. She lives with no one, instead crashing at friend's houses or staying out on the streets through the night. She sometimes visits her grandparents at their house in Eugene still, with their small plot of land and their quaint garden. She lives mostly on the charity of others; what she can't get through charity she gets through theft. She learned to steal and to sneak and to not get caught young. When even the cops side with the Nazis, you don't really have much choice. On the day of the fall, she was on her way to Eugene to beg for a meal and pick up some clothes. She knows that the American military has committed atrocities in the name of "riot containment" multiple times over the past year. She knows she stands against them. She doesn't know about the Blackwater infection. [/hider] [center][h2][color=skyblue]Extended Information[/color][/h2][/center] [b]Residence:[/b] None. [b]Profession:[/b] Thief. [b]Aligned Faction:[/b] None. [b]Relatives:[/b] Aaron Ezekiel | Father | 55 | Status unknown. Judith Ezekiel | Mother | 58 | Status unknown. Malachi Ezekiel | Grandfather | 73 | Deceased. Freyde Ezekiel | Grandmother | 72 | Deceased. [b][color=aba000]Starting Gear:[/color][/b] [b][color=gold]Weapons[/color][/b]:[list] [*]Stun gun [*]Brass knuckles [*](2) 5-inch double-edged combat daggers, with sheaths [*]Realistic CO2-powered BB gun, orange tip shaved off [*]Metal baseball bat [/list] [b][color=gold]Pink duffel bag:[/color][/b][list] [*]Crowbar [*]Screwdriver (bloodstained, slightly bent) [*](2) Small bottles of vodka [*]Weapons: Baseball bat, gun [*](4) bags of assorted chips [*]1lb bag of beef jerky [*]Gallon jug of water [*]Battery-powered charging station [*]Old, radio-capable MP3 player (uncharged) [*](10) unmarked pill bottles, filled with blue and brown pills [*](2) 6-packs of AA batteries [*]12-pack of button batteries [*]Package of about 2,400 BBs [*]Package of 15 CO2 cartridges [*]Red hoodie [*]2 changes of clothes [*]8oz bottle of medical-grade water-based lubricant [*](2) Rolls of toilet paper [*]Package of moist towelettes [*]Roll of plastic bags [/list] [b][color=gold]Small black purse:[/color][/b][list] [*]Weapons: Brass knuckles, stun gun [*]Green zippo lighter [*]4oz bottle of lighter fluid [*]4oz bottle of lotion [*]Pack of clove cigarettes [*]Small moleskin notepad [*]Pen w/ flashlight and laser pointer [*]Small water bottle [*]Roll of medical bandages [*]Small hairbrush [/list] [b][color=gold]Pockets[/color][/b][list] [*]Loose change [*]Wallet with Swisscard multitool [*]Combination pocket watch + compass. Quite old and requires regular winding. [/list] [b][color=gold]Miscellaneous:[/color][/b][list] [*]Knives are sheathed on her hips. [*]Wears a small flask around her neck, attached with a thin chain. [*]Rides a 10-speed mountain bike with basket and front headlight [/list] [b][color=aba000]Skills:[/color][/b][list] [*][b]Pain tolerance:[/b] After years of taking beatings from parents, cops, and reactionaries, she's developed a huge pain tolerance. She can take a beating, and even dish one out while taking one. [*][b]Quick hands, quick feet:[/b] From years of practice with petty (and not-so-petty) theft, she has quick and agile hand movements, excellent at things that require precise dexterity and attentiveness. She also can quickly dive in and out of fights with ease, and always views running away as a viable option. [/list] [b][color=aba000]Talents:[/color][/b][list] [*][b]Excellent Cook:[/b] She can turn just about anything into a decent meal, given a few elementary materials. [*][b]Mediator:[/b] Despite her own difficulties with interpersonal issues, she's great at keeping situations between other people calm, and helping people work out their arguments. [*][b]Thief:[/b] Having had to steal and rob quite often to make a living through most of her life, she knows the ins and outs of breaking and entering, as well as concealment. She's good at keeping herself hidden, knows her way around a lockpick, and can break into just about any building, given the fortifications have a weak point she can identify. [/list] [b][color=aba000]Other Disabilities:[/color][/b][list] [*]Suffers from PTSD from various childhood and adult traumas. [*]Suffers from Avoidant Personality Disorder. She has a hard time trusting people, and an even harder time maintaining close relationships and friendships. [*]She doesn't quite know what to call it, but she suffers from pretty extreme memory issues; she has a difficult time remembering names (but has a good eye for faces) and can hardly recall some events from her childhood. [/list]