[b]Name:[/b] Eleana Oz [b] Nickname: [/b] Firefly. It wasn't Eleana's ideal stage name, but her first choice was too long in human English. [b] Age [/b] (appearance/actual): Appears to be 26. She didn't have a need to remember her true age, so she doesn't know it. When were those pyramids built again? [b]Gender: [/b] Female [b] Species[/b] Phoenix [b] weakness [/b]: Iron, it make her feel weak when she is exposed to it, and her healing slows when she is harmed by it. There is also a special colt rumor to kill phoenixes and other supernatural with only one shot, but Eleana has never seen this colt first hand. [b] Powers:[/b] to harness the fires of the sun and summon it, immortality. She has healing abilities, but a Phoenix can only heal those who they have bonded with. She also has flight, but only in her true form. [b] Performing role/Primary Position:[/b] Fire dancer ( breaths and performs with fire) [b] Secondary position (Optional): [/b] She designs and makes her own costumes. she will lend a hand with others, if they wish to owe her a favor. [b] History before circus:[/b] Eleana has little memory of her early incarnations, but they were memories of bliss and freedom. She didn't care enough to remember much of the humans either. The brief lives of these loud clumsy creatures did not interest Eleana in the slightest. She witnessed these mud creatures rise into stone empires and fall into obscurity before the sun finished her dance across the horizon. Eleana does remember being worshiped by the humans. An golden age when men and women adorn in gold and silk sing songs of her, prayed to her and carved her images in stone. Even the ones who worshiped a single God would stare in awe and admiration if Eleana graced them with her presence. Just as soon as this age began, it changed into something sinister. The songs and praises of Eleana and her kind no longer fell from human lips. Old gods fell away, and the creatures that once worshiped Eleana began to hunt her. Eleana herself went to great lengths to avoid the wars between man and the supernatural. She was also clever while in isolation, avoiding traps and outsmarting hunters armed with iron She eventually retreated to a land the humans would later refereed to as "Africa." The land was too dangerous for those hunters and the humans who did live in this land treated Eleana with respect. Her brother and sisters were not as lucky because by the end of the war, most of her kind had disappeared completely. To this day, Eleana does not know how the humans destroyed the immortal birds so easily, but the thought leaves her with an burning anger that will last longer than the sun herself. [b] History in circus:[/b] It is quite common for a phoenix to life in isolation. In fact, they become very territorial if too many are in the same habitat. Eleana took comfort in this solitary for many centuries. Sadly, those damn mud creatures began to consume the land. They began to explore and colonize, disturbing Eleana's isolation.News of her retaliation against the invaders spread far and wide. A golden red bird with wings of fire that burnt whole colones to the ground. Her actions caught the attention of many creatures and hunters alike. Luckily, before the hunters preyed on Eleana, she was approached by a creature who spoke of a heaven for mystical creatures. A "circus" ran by a child of blood and shadows somewhere in Europe. The year was 1907 when Eleana found the circus of the supernaturals. This circus has been her home since then. [b] Personality:[/b] Eleana is a very vain creature, though she is more proud of her true form than this flesh glamor she is force to wear. She is her happiest when she performs. The admiration and amazement that radiates from the mud creatures reminds Eleana of the days she was worshiped. Off the stage Eleana is resentful toward humans and takes pleasure in humiliating or belittling them. She does not think twice about preying on their emotions for her own amusement. Finally, Eleana is independent and will be quick to anger. She will become petty or even dangerous if she or her territory is threatened. What Eleana believes to be hers can range from a performance space, an object or even a living thing. [b] Likes/Dislikes: [/b] Eleana has a weakness for the arts, especially the music.if you want to win her favor, bring her something she hasn't heard before. While her greatest love is art, her biggest annoyance is being told what to do. No one, not the kings, emperors or even the silly christian pope has any authority over Eleana. If you want Eleana's cooperation, you will do well to not command it. [b] Appearance: [/b] [hider=My Spoiler] [img] http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs49/f/2009/172/2/b/Rein___Dancing_Flame_by_FuzzyYak.jpg [/img] note: I do not own this art. This art belongs to: [url=http://fuzzyyak.deviantart.com] Fuzzy Yak [/url] [/hider] [b] Other: [/b] Eleana has this habit of slipping her human glamor when Vladimir is not watching. She takes pleasure in lighting up the night sky with her brilliant glow and the feeling of the air under her wings is very nostalgic. small note: Eleana of course can be "killed" if she is fatally harmed, her body will burst into a explosive fire and she will emerge from her own ashes as a small child/chick. The growth cycle of a phoenix reborn however is only a matter of days.