Siku's face twisted into one of disgust and mockery as she mimicked Katsu, "You'd never survive the life I lived... I'm the Avatar and a scrappy vagabond! Nobody's had a life as tough as mine!" She laughed, grinning at herself before involuntarily releasing a single snort. Her hand instantly covered her mouth as her face turned beet red. "Shut up, I can live without food for a bit... But in case you don't remember, a certain Avatar made us run out of a restaurant in the middle of a meal," She muttered, crossing her arms. What she didn't expect was his legitimate answer to her question. She was only teasing... he really hadn't even tried, or successfully attempted, the other two elements? The hair on the back of her neck stood up as she felt his arm come in contact with her shoulder. Her lip curled in contempt as he continued to blather away. Her mind echoed back to her the words 'water princess' as soon as he said it. [i]Water princess... Water princess...[/i] Her brow furrowed gradually... [i][b]Princess.[/b][/i] The girl crouched quickly, ducking under the Avatar's arm, before taking one decisive step forward and placing her foot into the back of his knee. The soft scraping of metal against sheath sounded as she pulled her blade a mere two inches from its home without drawing it. "You wanna find a better way to phrase that..? Stick possession in front of a reference to me ever again and I'll carry you back to Republic City on a platter myself," She offered, leaning forward with a small growl in her voice. She paused for a moment, just long enough to ensure he wouldn't be able to answer before she pressed her weapon back into the sheath. Siku stepped around him and kept walking as though she hadn't just falsely threatened his life... [i]again.[/i] One hand rested cautiously on the hilt of her dao. "Hm... If I have the cycle correct, Asha, he'll need air bending once he actually learns fire... Maybe you can show him the basics, at least. Of course... to do that, he'd actually have to be a skilled firebender..." She shook her head, "So maybe it'd be better not to clear your calender just yet. "It's sad really... What kind of Avatar doesn't at least try on their own..? I understand not mastering or even caring to master the elements... but to completely pretend like two of them aren't in your repertoire... Pfft, I'd say that makes it sound like you're more afraid of failure than you are death."