[b]Name:[/b] Rek [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Height:[/b] 5'7" [b]Weight:[/b] 142 pounds [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=My Drawing][img]http://orig11.deviantart.net/5d43/f/2015/297/4/5/rek__simple_character_drawing_series__1__by_theimportantman-d9ea8ut.jpg[/img][/hider] He has light blonde hair, eyes (you heard me, blond colored eyes!), and pale skin. He's highly prone to having bad hair days but acts oblivious to this fact no matter how horrible his hair can get. [b]Personality:[/b] He tries to act calm and collected even in situations where he's making a fool of himself, pretending that everything's fine. As a contradiction to what he's trying to do he can't help but snap when the situation takes a turn for the weird or the stupid and he speaks his mind, only to revert back to being calm once he manages to catch himself. He's not above running away while still trying to seem noble and tends to look out for himself more than others. Despite all of this he can be described as on okay person who's not very reliable but won't go around stabbing you in the back either. [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Physical Abilities-[/b] He's able to run at speeds of 30 miles per hour and lift 1,200 pounds. His durability is not enhanced so he could even harm himself when going all out. He has quick reflexes to help him in his main advantage of being light on his feet in order to avoid damage. [b]Combat Training-[/b] He's well versed in combat with a weapon comparable to a naginata. He does a lot of fluid, nimble movements and also uses strikes from other body parts in conjunction with slashes and stabs from his weapon. As such it's hard guessing where his next attack will come from. [b][u]Powers[/u][/b] [b]Melee Extension-[/b] He's able to send out any of his attacks through magical means by way of what looks like a blurry mirage version of the attack flying through the air. This attack, despite being magic at it's source, is an attack with all of the characteristics of the attack he's sending out so doesn't hit with magical damage. For example, swing the blade of his weapon and a mirage looking blade will fly out and slash the target with the same physical strike. Slap someone in the face from a distance and it will leave a red hand print just like a normal slap. The attacks cannot change momentum so simply flies in the same direction at the same speed it was going when it was unleashed until it hits something that would stop the attack or it travels for roughly two seconds, in which case the attack quickly looses power and dissipates. He doesn't receive any actual damage from things hitting his power but if he uses a body part then he will feel the pain transfer very briefly to the body part in question before going back to normal. Normally his power can be sent out three times a second, but this often only equates to once an attack. Sending out multiple attacks from the same strike is often ineffective anyways because an attack is only at it's most powerful at one point in time while the rest is building up momentum and slowing back down. Sending it out in these moments could be handy for taking his opponent off guard, such as them not having time to react at the very beginning on of punch, but that's about it, as they will not do nearly as much damage. He can use the power at near point blank range, just so long as he doesn't actually come into contact with anything first. This can be handy to provide a cushion by way of the force of his blow striking against the object before it then touches him. As such, it can also be a defensive move under specific circumstances. Using his power exhausts him as if he was doing the attack twice, putting all of the force of his blow into the power a second time. As such he could get tired out twice as quickly as his opponent if he uses his power constantly. The most exhausting technique he has for this power is sending it out 20 times a second, but this is his last resort. With this power he can cram in multiple attacks near the peak damage to deliver devastating damage, but at the cost of even more stamina to the point that any body parts used in the attack feel very numb and weak and it uses around 1/4 of his max stamina. [b][u]Equipment[/u][/b] [b]Armor:[/b] None [b]Weapons:[/b] A naginata-like weapon made out of steel with a length from one end to another of 5 and a half feet, making it almost as long as he is, but not very long if it was an actual naginata. [b][u]Bio[/u][/b] WIP