[hider=Ser Ruban Brask of the Kingsguard][center][h3]Ser Ruban Brask of the Kingsguard[/h3] [img]http://orig01.deviantart.net/a2b1/f/2012/032/2/4/bg2_portrait___marcos_imreas_by_lava_delvortel-d4obik3.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Age:[/b] 33 [b]House/Affiliation:[/b] Loyal to House Targaryen/Kingsguard for King Aegon III [b]Appearance:[/b] A tall, in shape man of 1.91 meters, Ser Ruban's most notable physical feature are the scars on his face. Three dash across his left eye, two other smaller scars are on the opposite cheek. His dark brown hair is cut very short, a light stubble on his face. He is almost always clad in the armor of the Kingsguard. His main weapons is a pure steel sword, on his other arm he carries the pure white shield which marks him as a member of the Kingsguard. [b]Personality:[/b] Ser Ruban is a normally friendly man, one fiercely loyal to the King and all that he is sworn to protect. He takes his job extremely seriously and in general upholds what he sees as a knight's values. Though if these were to ever conflict with his duties as a member of the Kingsguard then he would always choose his duty over his values. Though with every decision he makes he wonders if his father would have approve of them, he tries to honor the man almost two decades after his death. He still holds sort of an idealistic view of his duty, tales of glorious knights riding into battle and saving the day were what he was raised upon. He is a dedicated swordsman, someone who still trains to better himself whenever he has the free time to do so. [b]Biography:[/b] A brave man from the moment he could pick up a sword, Ruban was born into a small family, the only son of a knight, Ser Deran Brask, a well respected man. He was born in Oldtown, though his mother and father did not stay there very long. His youth was spent traveling with his parents, his mother died while Ruban was very young, an event which greatly saddened his father. It was the only time he could recall seeing his father in tears. As he grew older, Ruban was inspired to follow in his father's footsteps, he trained hard every moment and at first opportunity became a page to his father. As the years went on he eventually became a squire, he would begin to follow his father into battle, showing courage and strength on the battlefield from the start. His meteoric rise was halted for a time as he suffered an injury in battle, a sword to the leg which went right through an opening in his arm. It just missed hitting an artery which would have spelled certain doom for the young man. He spent almost two weeks out of battle as he recovered from his wound. Though as soon as he was able to stand on his feet without too much pain he would go back to training. Ruban went back into combat ahead of schedule, rejoining his father as his squire. Tragedy would strike him a few months later, his father became ill, a cure not known for the disease, he could only take painful medication for the illness which would make him almost cry in pain. The general thought from all around Ser Deran was that he was not going to make a recovery, the ill knight while still able to stand made the decision to knight his son. Ser Ruban still remembers every minute of his knighting ceremony, his father using all of his great strength in order to wear his armor and clench the sword with which the young Ruban was knighted with. A few days later his father died in his sleep, at his funeral Ruban cried tears of genuine sorrow. He had to plan his next step, which he did not truly know, he had no master he had squired under his father who had no trouble finding work across the world. He was not his father, it would be harder for him. So he set out to be a hedge knight, taking up whatever work paid in hopes that he could further his reputation. He attended jousts whenever he was able to, gradually he became better with each one he entered. Ruban also took up freelance work, fighting to get by. He was wary of his choices in this field though, he stuck to bodyguarding and escort jobs mostly, ones that paid enough and didn't involve any of the really dirty work. He did this for years, into his late twenties. By some chance while in Westeros for a joust he was noticed by a member of the Targaryen family, a distant relative, not a king or prince, but still someone who could help him land a job. A nobleman with enough money to keep Ruban satisfied. He managed to land a real job as a guard for the man, Ruban did a fine job, his sword quick to draw whenever it needed to be. It all changed when the war occurred, Greens versus Blacks, a war for the Iron Throne filled with dragons and armies like the stories he had been read in his youth. The reality was much darker than he could have imagined, though it was also when he shined the most as a warrior. An exceptional swordsman and a talented tactician, Ser Ruban slayed many foes on the battlefield as he fought for the Black side, the one that wanted to put the Princess on the throne. He staked his claim as an exceptional knight during the Battle by the Lakeshore in 130 AC. Arriving with the reinforcements from the south he charged into battle, carving down Green soldier from left to right. As Lords fell in the heat of battle Ruban stood high, his armor covered in crimson blood. [/hider] (WIP, editing the bio for acceptance.)