[h3]Xuan Wu-Seattle[/h3] Xavier ran down the road. His shadow stretched a long distance in front of him. His breath came in loud puffs as his feet pounded the black asphalt. His black eyes looked around the fronts of houses. Occasionally the flick of curtains would tell him that someone was inside but he paid them no heed. His sword would protect him. He had spent the rest of the night and the rest of the day huddled in a tree house in the back of a abandoned property before he eventually drifted off to sleep. As he entered the main city he noticed shops starting to appear. Not one window remained whole. Slowing down to a walk he walked down the main roads, occasionally moving around burnout cars. The main street was strewn with rubbish. There were no cars and all was silent. Corpses littered the ground and bullet holes were everywhere. As he peaked through the broken windows he noticed it was mostly food, water and camping gear taken rather than expensive items like TV’s and games. Xavier grimaced in worry. This was bad, if people were only stealing survival supplies then things were really bad. The faint sound of footsteps broke through Xavier’ quiet thoughts. He turned to look. The safer option was to run instead of seeking out the noise. The footsteps sounded loud, like a large group and faintly he could hear the ragged breathing and jingling of gear of a large group of people. The sound was getting louder as well. He ran back up the street, diving into an alleyway to wait. Moments later a group of around 25 people ran by. Some held guns, while others ran weapons of all sorts. Hammers, baseball bats, bows, and makeshift spears. A few were holding large packs between the two of them and a few with poles holding animals tied between them. Peaking around the corner of alley he noticed how they all looked around. Must be returning to a base, he thought. As they moved on and the light got darker Xavier moved off. His main objective was to find out what was going on. He was fine with food and water, he had his sword to protect himself. For shelter he could hide out in the abandoned buildings. The only thing he wanted was answers as to what was going on. As he started running again he decided to try and find a group. Hopefully they wouldn’t try and kill him. As he carried on running he passed out of the city centre, where shops surrounded him, and into residential areas, where apartment complexes surrounded him. Deciding he needed a vantage point he head over to one, stepping through the twisted gates and in through the broken front door. It looked fancy enough but the bullet holes still showed signs of attack even here. He started climbing the stairs two at a time. As he went got up to the fifth floor the stairs stopped, breaking apart to a few bits of concrete and steel bars. I'm high enough he decided before walking through the halls. As he walked he pushed each door, occasionally knocking on locked doors or entering open ones to look for signs of life. As he reached the end a window showed a view of a desolate outside, trash piled on the streets, leaves flew everywhere and most cars where burnout. He turned facing the last door, it was the furthest from the stairs so probably the safest should he stay there. he could rig a few traps to alert him if anyone was coming. Knocking gently to see if there were signs of life he waited, his ears to the door.