[hider=Kara Paan] [b]Name: [/b]Kara Paan [b]Species: [/b]Human [b]Age: [/b]21 [b]Gender: [/b]Female [b]Faction: [/b]Jedi Order [b]Rank: [/b]Jedi Knight, Guardian [b]Captive? [/b]Yes [h2]Appearance: [/h2] [center][img]http://i409.photobucket.com/albums/pp171/SaraihBehira/serramaybe4.jpg[/img][/center] Kara has a rather striking appearance, especially for someone who’s supposed to be a spiritual guardian of peace. Standing at a height of 195 cm and weighing in at 92 kg, Kara isn't hard to pick out of a crowd. Especially not with her broad shoulders and bulky muscular frame. She has several battle scars running across her body, arms and legs. Kara’s face could be considered fairly attractive to some. Her light blue eyes seem to always be filled with determination, that’s what she’s been told anyway. Kara has blonde hair which she keeps short enough to not hamper her in a combat scenario yet could still be considered feminine. As for clothing, Kara was in combat armour when she was captured. So the Sith had stripped her down and given her a prisoner jumpsuit, boots of shoddy craftsmanship and of course the obligatory shock collar. [h2]Notable Characteristics of Species: [/h2]Just your plain old human. As far as she knows, Kara has no distant relatives who are alien. [h2]Flaws: [/h2] [b]-Lacking in training:[/b] While she is technically a full fledged Jedi Knight, Kara was actually more of a rushed job. Considering the Republic was at war and the Jedi were losing more Knights than they were able to train, some members of the Order were in favor of a rapid training regime which focussed more on combat orientation then on the Jedi philosophy and manipulation of the Force. That being said, she is of course trained in both of these, just not to the usual standards and more oriented on combat. This means for instance that Kara is still very skilled in abilities like Force Speed and foresight, yet not so much with the Force hallucinations or mind tricks. [b]-Closed to others:[/b] With the exception of her late master, Kara never really tells anyone about her feelings, thoughts or past. Partially it’s because she doesn't trust them. Yet there is also Kara’s fear of growing too attached to people, only to later lose them. It’s safer this way in her opinion. [b]Emotionally scarred:[/b] Kara blames herself for the death of her master and has not yet had time to process this. She now feels lost without him to guide her. And sometimes she even has some dangerous thoughts of revenge. [b]-Pride/arrogance:[/b] Kara takes great pride in her work and martial prowess. This is unfitting for a Jedi and she knows it. This is why she tries to hide it as best as possible. This pride also has a tendency of making her overconfident in her abilities. This might result in sometimes biting off more than she can chew. [b]Careless:[/b] Kara doesn't always think things through. This often results in her rushing headfirst into combat without first evaluating her chances and opponent. She is also very blunt in conversations which some people take issue with. [b]Hates flying:[/b] It doesn't matter if she’s in a starfighter or on a speeder. Kara just doesn't like being in a machine in the air which goes really fast. No, she’d much rather be with her boots on the ground thank you very much. This isn't really a big deal with big spaceships, though she still prefers solid ground. It's also got something to do with the trauma she's had because of the death of her father, who was a fighter pilot. [h2]Skills: [/h2] [b]-Great Martial Prowess:[/b] Kara is a Guardian, a warrior for the Order. Her training has largely been focussed on making Kara the best possible warrior the Jedi Order could train in the short amount of time that it had. This has resulted in Kara being physically a very strong individual and dominates many fights with her overpowering strength. Kara She is very experienced in the use of both variants of Form V, which she has developed to an expertise level. However she is by no means flawless and is known to make unintentional mistakes..However, her master has also taught her a Form IV Ataru, though she is not nearly as good at this form as she is at Form V. Finally, Kara has been in several battles for a lot of her later Padawan years and her 3 years as a Knight, which have given her vital combat experience. [b]High pain tolerance:[/b] Thanks to her training and combat experience Kara has been able to deal with high degrees of pain. [b]Strong spirited:[/b] Kara is very strong spirited, which makes it hard to crack her emotionally. However, she is not completely impregnable on this front as her emotional baggage, when used against her, might slowly crumble her spirit down. [b]Loyal:[/b] Kara is loyal to people who she respects and would die for any of them. [h2]Force capabilities: [/h2] [b]The basic stuff every Padawan gets taught[/b] [b]Good at the Force abilities which improve physical capabilities like Force enhanced speed and strength[/b] [b]Reasonable at Force Deflection[/b] [b]Sub-par at telekinesis[/b] [b]Outright bad at the remaining mental capabilities.[/b] [h2]Biography: [/h2] Born in 3674 BBY on Corellia, Kara Paan was the daughter of a Republic starfighter pilot. She barely got to see her father, as he was fighting actively in the war against the Sith. Then, at the age of 6 she and her mother gained word that her father had perished in a space skirmish over Balmorra. When Kara was told of her father’s death she let out a cry with such force that it threw back the soldier who told her. This was the first time people had witnessed her Force abilities. A few days later a Jedi Knight appeared. He told Kara that he had served with her father and had been commanding his squadron on that fateful day. The Knight told her that her father died valiantly, saving both this Jedi and two other pilots. The Knight gave Kara her father’s Medal of Valor, which he was awarded posthumously. Just as the Knight was about to leave, Kara asked him if there was a way she could prevent other people from becoming as sad as she was. The Knight would explain, in very simple terms, that there indeed was a way, but that Kara would have to leave her home behind and go to a different place where she would be taught in the Force. Kara, with the permission of her mother, accepted. Kara would spend the next years of her life in the Jedi Praxeum on Arkania, training mostly in combat practices, in which she excelled, while being taught only the bare minimum of the philosophy behind the Force. Although Kara had a reasonably strong attunement to the Force, she preferred to use raw physical power to overcome obstacles. After she passed her trials Kara was picked out to be the Padawan of non other then the Knight, now Master, who got her into the Order to begin with. There was not a lot of time to study however, as her master was required in the field against the Sith Empire. Kara would learn through experience instead of books. At first Kara was relegated to providing support in the rear, but after reaching the age of 14 her master finally allowed her to come with him on missions. Kara would continue to travel with her master, from diplomatic missions on Alderaan to trade negotiations on Nar Shaddaa and then back in a trench on Dantooine. All the while she honed her combat skills with her master by her side. And eventually Kara got rewarded when she passed her final trials and became a Knight of the Order. Even though there had been some amongst the Order who questioned her Knighthood as she was still lacking in several aspects, these complaints were ignored as Kara was not the only one to receive a rushed admittance to Knighthood in this war, and certainly wouldn't be the last. Kara’s master was proud of her and said that her father, who had been the initial reason why she joined the Jedi in the first place, would have been proud of her too. Kara had kept her father’s medal all these years and it served for her as a reminder of what she was fighting for: For other people to not need to feel the loss of a family member. Kara would continue to serve under her master and to her, it felt like nothing could stop the two of them. Then that fateful day came. After having played a minor role in the initial stages of the battle for Alderaan, Kara and her master were tasked with escorting an Alderaanian noble and his guards to a negotiation with another noble house. Once they got at the destination however they were ambushed by an Imperial strike force. It appeared that the Alderaanian noble had double crossed the Republic and formed a pact with the Empire. At first the two Jedi seemed to barely have any trouble fighting against the Imperials, partially because they seemed to not be engaging in lethal combat. However, that changed when a Sith entered the fray, but not before ordering his troops to stand down as he boasted that he would be able to finish the Jedi off on his own. As Kara and her master were battling this Sith, they were unable to gain an advantage over him and soon disaster struck. Kara’s master made a slight error, only a tiny one, which exposed him to a counterattack. An opening the the Sith took advantage off. The next thing Kara remembers is seeing her master’s decapitated body beside her. Kara’s recollection of the following couple of seconds is rather clouded. All she could remember was that she kept on battering the Sith with her lightsaber, using her raw strength to wear him down and eventually break through his defences. When he lowered his defences it almost seemed like he accepted his fate. Kara took advantage of this and kicked the man unto the ground to then follow up by planting her lightsaber in his chest. As she looked at his face, all she could see was a grin and his eyes fixed on hers. Kara was so entranced by the Sith that she lowered her guard. This is when the soldiers surrounding her struck and fired several shots with their blasters set on the stun setting. The next thing Kara remembers is being aboard an Imperial Intelligence ship together with other Republic military personnel from different branches. What followed were weeks of interrogation and torture. Or so she thought. What actually happened was that the interrogators did not really want to meddle too much into Jedi/Sith business, especially not considering the commander of the ship wanted to earn the favour of some of his Sith superiors delivering a largely unharmed Jedi to her. So although Kara was being interrogated and tortured, it was not to the same -lethal- degree as the other troops onboard. After informing the Darth, they set a course to her ship to deliver Kara to her. [h2]Personality and/or Motivation: [/h2] Kara is not really a person who gets along well with others. She is generally rather cynical and pessimistic about things and tends to make a snarky comment once in awhile, which doesn't really help her in becoming a loveable person. She does not care what others think about her though. She has survived this long by relying on herself for most of the time anyway, why change things now? Atleast, that’s how she comes across to the outside world. In reality Kara is afraid that connecting to people will end up in either being hurt because they die or they betray her. However, even if she doesn't want it, she can't suppress these urges to be with other people and thus she usually tags along with others, even if she is against whatever they’re doing. As long as it’s not suicidal of course, she’s not stupid after all. Kara is also very stubborn. Once she’s made her mind up about something it’s very hard to convince her to do something else. Kara likes challenges for her to overcome and will never shy away from a fight. Finally Kara will never let herself be subdued without putting up one hell of a fight. Although the Jedi Masters have not determined if this is because of her strong connection to the Force or because of something else. [h2]Player’s long term goals: [/h2] I have not really thought about it in great detail but at the moment this is what I can think of: Kara can basically go down two ways at the moment: One, she remains loyal to the Light and helps her group escape, possibly sacrificing herself in the process. Two, Kara gets tempted and eventually corrupted by the power of the Dark Side and becomes a bloodcrazed lapdog for her new master. [h2]Relations: [/h2] [b]Koren Omi-Ren:[/b] Kara had been to Manaan once 4 years ago. Here she had a brief encounter with Koren. He was a reasonable, if a bit cocky, person who didn't shy away of making a few jokes. At some point during her stay at Manaan Kara had a sparring duel with Koren. While at first the two appeared to be equals in combat, it didn't take long for Koren to capitalise on a mistake made by Kara and beat her… twice. Her encounter with Koren brought the young Padawan back to earth again, showing that she still had much to learn. She respects Koren for this lesson and would one day like to have a rematch. [b]Tolun Fi:[/b] Kara has seen Tolun Fi a few times in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. He seemed to lack any traits Kara considered honourable. Actually, her impression of him was that he was actually more a cowardly person. While many Jedi were fighting the Sith and keeping peace in the galaxy, here was this Kaminoan who was experimenting in the comfort of the Temple. So all in all… Kara doesn't really like him. Ofcourse, this is just her opinion of a few short encounters. [h2]Final Point - Secrets: [/h2] Kara has already been slightly corrupted by the Dark Side, though by no means irreversibly and not to her knowledge. The fact that she was attached to people, her master, and objects, her father’s medal, are a testament to her not living 100% according to the Jedi laws. And then there’s ofcourse the matter of her using her anger to kill the Sith Warrior who killed her master. Sith Lords would be able to pick up on this and use it to their advantage. While the CS might give another impression, Kara's joining of the Jedi Order was not voluntarily. Kara's mother had been persuaded in advance by the Jedi to let her daughter join the Order. And then when he gave Kara her father's Medal of Valor, well, that sealed the deal. It was a clever use of Force persuasion although Kara herself still thinks that she made the choice on her own. [/hider]