Name: Eodwyn "Dawn Rider" Aether Age: 26 Gender: Male Race: Human Gear: One leaf blade,one enchanted dagger, 1 bow and of course a quiver of arrows. 1 rope dart and a small tinkering kit. Skills: Eodwyn has a ability to make people talk whether its the easy way...or the hard way. Although not as skilled a blacksmith as his Grandfather, Eodwyn only has enough skill to repair or modify weapons rather than craft them. Also is a good tracker and is okay at stealth. Physical Description: [url][/url] Personality: Reserved, mostly quiet but very protective of what few friends he has. Will never abandon those in need unless something else is of a higher priority. History: If you were to say the name "Aether" before the reign of Kaaos, many would come flocking to hear the stories of the great warrior and smith who crafted the mightiest of weapons. Once, Long ago when the wars of the humans and griffins and Djinn's were just beginning there came one man who bestowed upon the King of humans 5 swords, known as the dawnriders. This man was known as Aldnar Aether. Upon seeing the creations of Aldnar and witnessing first hand at the sheer power it had, The king bestowed upon him the title "Godhand" and made him a Lord over a small castle in the northwest. It is there that Eodwyn's Father, and grandfather, resided. It is there that the reign of Kaaos began. If you ask the people of the first battle between men and the legions of Kaaos, Most people will tell you the tale of the battle at Salkire Keep. It was there that the small army of Aldnar Godhand fought Kaaos himself for three full days. They say that Aldnar and his son Ragnor Nearly mortally wounded Kaaos had it not been for the treachery of Eodwyn's older brother. Eodwyn was 10 when he witnessed the torture and eventual death of his whole family, his older brother excluded. For 4 years Eodwyn was tortured mentally and physically before finally at the age of 14 managed to escape and after two days of aimless wandering, found a small resistance group hiding out in the forest nearby. It is there he was nursed back to health and was taught how to fight with a sword and bow, how to track even the smallest of things, and how to bend the dark of night to his will. He even made a little friend along the way, an Ice wolf named Oragnar. At the age of 17 Eodwyn decided to hone his skills elsewhere and became a wanderer. For nine years Eodwyn honed his skills, for nine years Eodwyn fought many skirmishes , for nine years Eodwyn searched for clues for his long lost brother, hoping to end the life of the person who caused his misery. And it is here that we continue his story. Other: Eodwyn gained the nickname "Dawn Rider" As he would only fight before the break of dawn...most of the time. Has multiple scarring all over his body due to the torture he received. His dagger is made from a shard of one of the 5 dawn riders. Loves his wolf.... [hider=My Weapons] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [/hider]