[center][img]http://s27.postimg.org/51cuco82b/0_FE6_DEBF_B661_49_BC_B5_DC_0_CC2_DCD42_F71.png[/img][/center] [center][h1](Kaya) Khadila Usksha[/h1][/center] Age: 15 Gender: Female Race: Djinn Gear: [list] [*]Cloak - A rich, midnight-blue cloak made only for those who are recognized as those favored by the community; also worn by relatives of these important figures. (Un)Fortunately, she's the latter. [center][img]http://s15.postimg.org/m0fryn3bf/rsz_1rsz_delate6.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b]An example of a daughter and father donning the aristocrats' cloaks.[/b][/center] [*]Skiing...shoes? - A pair of high-heeled shoes with much of its parts cut off to resemble a sandal. The midsole and the toe (which can be pulled up to reveal cloven cleats) of the shoe is covered in smooth wood, while the heel of the footwear is dotted with steep cleats. A fairly recent invention used to traverse desert terrains. [*]Scroll Bag - A leather bag carrying three scrolls, each of which open up to 20 yards long. Two of them detail djinn physiology, and the remaining one lightly brushes over human and griffin physiology. [/list] Skills: Khadila specializes first and foremost in surgery, as is custom of her lineage to practice. Following that from a far distance would be general medical practice on a broader scale, including the usage of certain substances instead of magic to cure certain illnesses, as well as performing a variety of other medical procedures. Physical Description: [center]5'5 | 115 lb. | Rust Irises | Sandstone-Yellow Hair[/center] Personality: [indent]Khadila is rather straightforward and frank on many issues, as is customary for her clan to behave when dealing with those outside the family. Though stubborn in her core beliefs, which include Djinn superiority, the despotism of any and all other "uncivilized, inferior cultures", and other prejudices, she treasures her life enough to let even these go for some policy to keep the peace. That is, unless she finds an injustice too strong to bear without intervention. Above all things, including her culture-related beliefs, she favors life. War itself is a disgusting thing to her, and though she is forced to be stain in its marks, she believes that if anything, it would be better if war and death wasn't a wanton, arbitrary thing, but rather a more natural occurrence by the work of the stars above and the rules that dictate the living world.[/indent] History: [indent]Khadila was born in raised in aristocracy, though most would say the "lower" aristocracy, if it meant actually doing work as opposed to managing those who did. Her family came from a long and broad line of researchers of medicine, the core branch of which studied surgeries. Khadila is part of that main branch, but is the only heiress of the lineage; her mother was found to be barren after giving birth to Khadila. The only problem was that, by then, Kaaos had shifted the hierarchy of the Uskshas to the branch that researched some obscure thing called "splicing". It was a hush-hush affair between that family and the rest of the clan, so few knew what they were getting into when they accepted the changes. Khadila's parents instructed her to flee and join the resistance, one night, after they returned home all bloody and burnt, and it sure as hell wasn't their blood. The only thing that Khadila knew as she fled through the sand-swept alleys was that she was going to have to prepare her skills for something much larger than an affair within her clan...[/indent] Other: [list] [*]For her ease of commuting, she dabbles with some minor telekinesis to fling herself over short distances, if she's in a rush. [/list]