[u][b][color=goldenrod]Full Name:[/color][/b][/u] Rozalia “Roze” Singer [u][b][color=goldenrod]Age:[/color][/b][/u] 24 [u][b][color=goldenrod]Species:[/color][/b][/u] Human, with diluted Deity blood within her. Also, a Witch. [u][b][color=goldenrod]Gender:[/color][/b][/u] Female [u][b][color=goldenrod]Sexuality:[/color][/b][/u] Bisexual [u][b][color=goldenrod]Appearance:[/color][/b][/u] Roze stands at about 5’7, with a slim yet curvaceous build, and toned muscles. Her heart-shaped face is in no doubt an attractive one, with a dimpled smile that can range from mischievous to flirtatious in seconds; a small, button nose; and oval shaped eyes the deep colour of cerulean, framed with long black lashes, and natural dark brows above. Atop her head sits an often wild mess of jet black curls; when tamed, usually reaching about her mid-back. Prior to her death and resurrection, her skin was peppered with scars and bumps from altercations in her past. However, now that she’s been brought back to life by some mysterious benefactor, the only marks upon her skin is her anti-demon-possession tattoo, sitting just at the nape of her neck; and a handprint burned upon her right shoulder. Other than that, her skin is as smooth and clear as a baby’s butt. Thanks Hell. You do wonders for a girl’s complexion. [u][b][color=goldenrod]Personality:[/color][/b][/u] On the surface, Roze appears to be a pretty easy-going friend. No matter the situation, she’s ready for a sassy quip or some kind of snarky joke – oh, and the puns. The puns are endless. As are the innuendos. Other than that, she’s both headstrong and brave, very willing to throw herself into the line of fire to protect those she cares about. Although sometimes clouded by her sarcasm, she has plenty of compassion and understanding; for those that don’t test her patience, that is. When looking deeper, Roze is a severely troubled young woman. As one already knows, hunting is a stressful job. Top that with the fact that she was forced to witness (and partially cause) the death of her parents at a young age; and her recent stint in Hell following her own pretty horrific death – it’s a wonder Roze has retained her sanity in these troubled times. Despite this, Roze is quite happy to cover it all up. Acting nonchalant about the situation is much easier than giving into her emotions – especially when it comes to the people she cares about and loves. Because of this smothering of emotions and terrible experiences, Roze’s temper is certainly one to avoid. As her patience is tested she will happily resort to sarcastic insults – but when someone goes too far and makes her snap, she’ll quite happily beat the brains out of them. [hider=Backstory] [u][b][color=goldenrod]Backstory:[/color][/b][/u] Rozalia was the only child of Nathan Singer (The younger brother of Bobby Singer) and Italian-born Katerina – also the niece of Bobby Singer. She and her family lived in a somewhat more middle-class home than her dear Uncle; thanks to the rather successful jobs of her parents. They had plenty of money, but it also meant that they needed quite a bit of babysitting work. Bobby was only too happy to give up his time when he had it for Roze, considering she was the closest thing he had to children. Unfortunately, this arrangement attracted some slightly more nefarious attention, thanks to Bobby’s own job of hunting. Despite his defences against the supernatural that he had secretly inputted in his brother’s home, (As he and his family were blissfully unaware of the dark that existed in the world), demons still managed to find his family – and oh, did they have a field day with them. When Roze was 7, a demon possessed Katerina, making her attack Nathan. In his attempt to stop her aggressive advances, he tragically killed her. Not that this stopped the demon. While a young Roze watched in horror, the demon left the corpse of Katerina and possessed Nathan – who then turned its attention to Roze. Barricading herself in her room, a panicked Roze phoned Bobby, lost on what to do. Thankfully for her, he’d put extra defences against demons in their bedrooms – as he couldn’t bear the thought of them falling prey to their evil. With his instructions, she was able to find a gun (Yeah, a bit paranoid of him, but shit, it worked out okay in the end.) stashed in the closet of their bedroom, and loaded it in time for the door to be busted down. Turning the gun towards the demon, Roze pulled the trigger in a blind panic. [hr] Following the “home invasion murders” of their parents (That’s the story they sold to the cops anyway), Roze moved in with Bobby – and rather than protecting her from the knowledge of his world, he was forced to teach her everything he knew. This became especially important when her powers manifested. At first it started out small – things around Roze randomly turning on – or exploding. Mostly exploding. As she grew up, these occurrences happened often enough for Bobby to realize that Roze herself was doing it – whether she knew it or not. After doing some research, certain things connected in Bobby’s mind. Rozalia's mother had been mysterious at the best of times – the wedding between her and his brother had been sparse in terms of guests – hardly any of her family attended the event. She had been fairly skittish around the subject as well – all they knew was that she was from Italy, with family there and in Greece. After some research and digging around in the Mother's old things, Bobby came to the conclusion that a fairly long time ago, the bloodline of their Mother had been touched by Greek Deities. Specifically Phoebe, a Titan of light. And this personification had made itself known in Roze. Armed with this knowledge, Bobby encouraged her to try and develop her powers, simply in an attempt to control them, and to ensure that they wouldn’t go wild one day. However, Roze found it to be rather problematic. Light was a harsh ingredient, and not always accessible. After a few months of fairly destructive and painful consequences, Roze turned her back on her natural power, and instead used a far more common source – good ol’ regular magic! [hr] As Roze grew older, she eventually started going out on hunting trips by herself, or with her close friend Hayden. Hayden often got dropped off at Bobby's while her parents went on hunts, much like Sam and Dean. The four certainly spent a lot of their childhood together.. With how busy Bobby was in his later years, Roze was only too happy to start doing hunts by herself. With an awesome car (Not the Impala *sob*) and the open road, she was staying away from home for longer and longer each time. Things were looking good – until she began losing control of her powers. Having had no issues with the power in her youth; as she rarely used it due to the bad and frequent conseqeunces, Roze was growing increasingly worried about these sudden spikes in loss of control surrounding her powers of light. She was particularly concerned at what would happen if the power took over completely - not only was the light fluctuating whenever she had the slightest spike in emotion, but she was blacking out and finding things on fire around her when she came to. Staying away from society so as to not hurt anyone, Roze pored over books and the internet in an attempt to find a way of controlling. After weeks and week of nothing, she came to the frightening conclusion that her powers were entirely capable of taking over her completely, giving way to a completely evil and different personality. And the only way to combat this power of light was with powers of darkness - and darkness in every sense of the word would be needed. A dark teacher. A demon. Without telling anyone, Roze made her way to the closest crossroad she could find, and summoned a demon, much to her own disgust. But she was beginning to get desperate. Each day, she was being consumed more and more by the light, and they were running out of time to stop it. A demon showed up, and he was more than happy to help – on one condition. Roze's soul. Due to the large request asked by Roze, and her less than friendly previous contact among demons (i.e. sending their smokey-ass butts back down to Hell at every damn chance she got, and her very close relationship to the bane of demons herself - Hayden), the usual ten years got cut down to five. With no other options open to her, Roze accepted. Thankfully, the demon kept his word. He stayed with Roze for several years, teaching her new spells that could be used to stop her own natural powers from exploding from within her. Over time, the blackouts and loss of control began to decrease. Although the demon found it impossible to teach her how to control the light - rather, teach her to keep it in check, it was still a great relief for Roze, considering how truly dangerous the power was. After a few years, Roze was as good as new... and she was nearing the end of her time on Earth. Following the death of Dean Winchester, Roze realized that if they hadn't found a way to get out of the contract, she wouldn't either. With just five days left, she hadn't the heart to tell Bobby, Sam, or Hayden. How could she? After the death of Dean, the five years she'd squandered... they wouldn't understand. It was better to just let them think she'd disappeared - or hopped over to New Zealand like she'd been wanting to do since she was five. However, she didn't spend her last days alone. In an ironic attempt of being nice, the demon whom she had sold her soul too appeared, offering up a few final days of fun. With literally nothing left to lose, Roze agreed, somewhat bitterly at first. But as the final day grew closer, she let go of any feelings of bitterness, finding solace in the fact that this fate was better than condemning the world and her loved ones to the fate that could have befallen them via her powers. On her last day, she asked the demon to make sure she was buried somewhere. He happily obliged as his Hellhound put her down. For the months that followed, Bobby, Sam and Hayden were all concerned about Roze's disappearance. She'd not mentioned where she was going, or when she'd be coming back - the last anyone had seen or heard from her was a somewhat cryptic phone message to Bobby, saying that she was having to "handle" something, and he probably wouldn't hear from her in a while. However, about three months after Roze's death, Hayden and Sam ran into each other on a demon hunt. Working together to exorcise the Demon, she dropped an interesting fact: Roze wasn't just dead, but she was taking an extended vacation in Hell itself. She even went as far as to taunt them with the fact the demon she'd sold her soul to had buried her. After thinking about it for a few weeks, Hayden finally decided to phone and tell Bobby, deciding that the truth needed to be said, no matter how much it would hurt... however, as soon as he picked up, she was greeted with the news that Dean was no longer dead. With that realization, she made her way to the burial site of Roze, to find her oldest friend sat by her headstone; muddied, stunned, and completely unscathed barring a handprint burnt into her right shoulder, just like Dean - and neither of them with no idea how they came back. Now the friends are back together once again, hunting and living on the open road. However, things are most definitely changed between them. A stint in Hell will do that to people. [/hider] [hider=TL;DR version of backstory] Niece of Bobby Singer. Roze was seven when parents are murdered by demons. Taken in by Bobby, taught the way of the hunter. Developed powers – Roze powers of Light, due to be being descendant of Deities on mysterious mother's side. Roze has issues with powers, and so she turns instead to old fashioned magic and becomes a witch. She grows up; begin hunting out on open road. After some time, Roze begins to lose control of her Light magic. Roze sells her soul to demon in order for said demon to teach her how to regain control of powers, or she'd be left with possibility that she could be completely overtaken and destroy the world. Contract cut from 10 years to 5 due to large request, and not so friendly relationship with demons in general. Roze dies 5 days after Dean Winchester – they enjoy a stint in Hell together. Roze resurrected with Dean – by unknown power. Now hunting with her best friend Hayden. [/hider] [u][b][color=goldenrod]Extra:[/color][/b][/u] Drives a 1969 Chevy Camaro, black. In terms of weapons, Roze has a pretty well-rounded knowledge in all of them, from firearms to blades. As for personal preference, she prefers lighter handguns over the heavier stuff, and seriously loves working with blades. Long ones or short ones – if it’s sharp and pointy, she’ll like it and use it. As for her powers, her magic is pretty diverse. A fluent speaker in most ancient languages, it won’t take her long to decode or translate a magic book in order to get a spell from it. Although she’s never gone as far as using black magic – where you use human sacrifices and whatnot – she’s still a pretty powerful witch. Her natural power – control over Light – is something she prefers to avoid using. Because of the harsh and destructive nature, she never truly learned how to control it without it hurting her in turn. The few times she has used it has always resulted in haemorrhaging from the nose, ears and eyes, migraines, and depending on how much she has used, temporary blindness. Although she’s never gone far enough for it to happen, she’s fairly certain too much use would result in a comatose state, or even death. There's also the fear that if she uses it too much, that loss of control could return, and her years in Hell would have been for nothing. Is a serious Pyromaniac. Loves any and all forms of fire. Likes to drink, but not as much as most of her social circle of hunters.