[center][u][b]The Year 1903[/b][/u] [b]World Tension[/b]: [i]21%[/i][/center] [indent][color=red][b]The Grand Survaek Empire founds the [i]Imperial Restoration[/i] movement[/b][/color] (+7% World Tension, +$5,000,000,000 Permanent GNP) [color=red][b]Nations Side with Sorena in the Sorenan Crisis[/b][/color] (+10% World Tension) [color=red][b]Sorena is Puppeted by the Grand Survaek Empire to the Imperial Restoration[/b][/color] (+15% World Tension) [b][color=red]Zellonia Incites Unrest in Sumaya[/color][/b](+5% World Tension, -10% National Unity for a target nation) [b][color=red]Sorena Mobilizes Troops[/color][/b](+3% World Tension) [color=red][b]Sumaya Incites Unrest in Zellonian Sarelia[/b][/color] (+5% World Tension, -10% National Unity for a target nation) [b][color=gray]Soroya Signs Trade Agreement with Murenheidt[/color][/b] (-3% World Tension, +10% GNP for Nation) [b][color=gray]Anvegad Demobilizes Troops[/color][/b] (-2% World Tension] [b][color=gray]Kalpia Signs Trade Agreement with Etellia[/color][/b] (-3% World Tension, +10% GNP for Nation) [b][color=gray]Kalpia Forms Defensive Alliance with Etellia[/color][/b] (-5% World Tension) [b][color=gray]Aontas Embargoes Survaek[/color][/b] (-4% World Tension, Removes 1 of Targeted Nations Trade Agreement Bonuses) [/indent] [center][[b]LINK FOR BIGGER MAP[/b]: http://i.imgur.com/X5vHJbI.png][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/X5vHJbI.png[/img] [i]The World, circa 1903[/i][/center] [u]AUGUST[/u] [b]August 15th[/b]: Miners in [b][color=orange]Murenheidtan Serranthia[/color][/b] opens two mining operations within the desert. Soroyan and Deltoran traders in Serranthia begin to notice the huge amounts of iron now being shipped to Varius. [b]August 21st[/b]: The investigation into the sinking of the [i]Hafas[/i], a joint [b][color=darkgreen]Delto[/color]-[color=purple]Soroyan[/color][/b] investigation, reveals that the ship was not destroyed by a torpedo or attacked, but simply sank due to external conditions outside of the crews control. [b]August 25th[/b]: The [b][color=gray]Kalpian Republic[/color][/b] finishes work on the [i]Thard Mk I[/i], a handheld explosive grenade. [center][img]https://www.vetfriends.com/militarypics/images/large/WWI%20Grenades.jpg[/img] [i]Kalpian soldiers practicing grenade throws, circa 1903[/i][/center] [b]August 27th[/b]: The [b][color=darkgreen]Deltoran Republic[/color][/b] officially signs the [i]Treaty of Sikea[/i] (1901), becoming the fifth nation to make a pledge of democracy, freedom and self-determination to the world by joining the [i]Sociatatem[/i]. [b]August 29th[/b]: News of the expansion of the [i]Sociatatem[/i] is lessened when King Kazimierz Piast IV of the Sorenan Kingdom forces the resignation of Prime Minister Prime Minister Stanisław Mendelson. Though considered to have handled the [i]Sorenan Crisis[/i] well, a growing group of militants in the government, led by King Kazimierz were disappointed that Sorena did not press further claims with Survaekom support. [hr] [u]SEPTEMBER[/u] [b]September 1st[/b]: The [b][color=darkblue]Empire of Anvegad[/color] [/b]finishes a trade agreement with the Faresian Yamarano Shogunate. A heavily militant nation based on the [i]Warrior Code of Fusan[/i], the Yamaranese appreciate the opportunity to begin trading with a Varian nation. [center][img]http://www.histarmar.com.ar/Armada%20Argentina/FragataSarmiento/Viaje01-1900/Japon/0104Tokyo-panoramax10.jpg[/img] [i]Yamaranese capital of Kikohaba, circa 1903[/i][/center] [b]September 5th[/b]: King Kazimierz signs the [i]Declaration of World Renewal[/i] alongside Survaekom delegates who remained behind after the [i]Sorenan Crisis[/i]. The document is a cohesion of nations who support reclaiming their lost lands and forming great empires together. The [b]Kingdom of Sorena[/b] joins the [i]Imperial Restoration[/i]. [b]September 7th[/b]: After months of expeditions, the [b][color=darkblue]Empire of Anvegad[/color][/b] finishes colonizing a chain of islands off the western coast of Faresia. Rich in aluminum and tungsten, the colony is largely uninhabited, harboring only about 20,000 native Faresians. [b]September 10th[/b]: The [b][color=darkgreen]Deltoran Republic[/color][/b] lays down the keel of the [i]TPS Dauntless[/i], an armored cruiser of respectable size. It is expected to be finished in early 1905. [b]September 15th[/b]: The [b][color=darkblue]Empire of Anvegad[/color][/b] orders a general demobilization of it's soldiers. [hr] [u]OCTOBER[/u] [b]October 1st[/b]: The nation of [b][color=orange]Murenheidt[/color][/b] accepts an invitation by the [b][color=purple]Kingdom of Soroya[/color][/b] to join the [i]Sociatatem[/i]. [b]October 5th[/b]: The [b][color=darkblue]Empire of Anvegad[/color][/b] lays down the keel of two armored cruisers, expected to be finished sometime in 1905. [b]October 13th[/b]: The [b][color=darkblue]Empire of Anvegad[/color][/b] finishes new theories on the maintenance and quick development of long, jagged trenches. Easily built and easily maintained, Anvegadian trenches are some of the most complicated, but sturdy in the world. [b]October 15th[/b]: Worker strikes within the [b][color=darkgreen]Deltoran Republic[/color][/b] come to an end, and the workers return to work. The passage of law in the nation has consolidated power in the hands of the worker. [b]October 16th[/b]: A large oil deposit is located in southern [b][color=darkblue]Anvegad[/color].[/b]