[hr][h1][i][color=Gray]Quentin Taylor[/color].[/i][/h1][hr] Quentin had only a brief moment of respite from his encounter with that Leech-coated bastard when the call for support came over radio comms. It was only when he heard [i]her[/i] name that he sprung into action, following his fellow agents in their pursuit of one of their most wanted targets - his number one. Alas, he was beaten to it by another Metahuman agent on the team - Maximillian and his Echo, whilst what was practically an army held Heartbreaker at gunpoint. Making his way through the formation of armed agents with their weapons trained, he couldn’t help but smirk just a little with satisfaction. “You bitch,” Quentin muttered below bated breath. “We've got you now.” [hr][h1][i][color=DarkSlateBlue]Reed Taylor[/color].[/i][/h1][sub][@Mr Allen J][@Defacto][@DJAtomika][@Spoopy Scary][/sub][hr] Today had seen another case for the GND, yet it was the first time Reed had been assigned to work alongside them. He'd seen a couple of cases with commercial and juvenile and once with RHD, yet this had been his first with this division. He'd been partnered up with Gabriel Saunders, a senior detective and an old colleague of his uncle, and after a day and evening’s work running through the usual routine they were en-route back to the station when the police radio blared out. “KJ438 calling any units in the beachside area, dispatch just received a call about a drunken disturbance at a party. Any units available, please respond, over.” Gabe looked tempted to continue their steady cruise back to the station from work but Reed made up his mind for the two of them and shifted over to grab the speaker unit, answering “11E here, will respond. Out.” As the radio answered back with the address, Gabe gave him a stare that resembled an old, tired dog that didn't feel like going out for a walk today. “You think it's worth it? Could've finished up the case file a little earlier tonight and let one of the patrol boys handle it if you hadn't blabbed off.” He grumbled lightheartedly, briefly taking a hand off the wheel to swig from the open bottle of mineral water wedged in the cupholder. “Sure, we'll finish it when we're back. Besides, we need the fresh air.” Reed shot back, like he often did to his Uncle Cass. “Bah, what does your generation know about that?” Gabe asked, exaggerating a grumbled, growling voice and wrinkling his face for effect. It was a funny sight to behold, like a scene from one of those stereotypical buddy-cop movies. Eventually he relented and cleared his throat, speaking with his regular voice. “Alright, fine. My legs could use a stretch anyways.” Recalling the street from a place he'd stopped by on another case a couple months ago, he didn't bother with the GPS and set off. “Yep, that sounds like it.” Arrival at their destination was precluded by the growing sounds of music and teenage voices. Putting on an intentionally nostalgic tone, Gabe remarked “Y’know, in [i]my[/i] day-” before Reed cut him off “In [i]your[/i] day you'd be the [i]paladin[/i] of good behaviour, clean as a whistle, like the rest of your generation. You and Cass parrot word for word, you know.” That only earned him a shit-eating toothy grin from Gabe. “I was gonna say that [i]I[/i] wouldn't have been caught.” Reed smirked at that and stifled a chuckle, before finally snorting with amusement. Pulling up outside not too far from access to the beach, it was just before Gabe rolled up the windows when they heard a gunshot. “Shit!” Reed instinctively ducked out out of the car and behind the passenger door whilst Gabe followed suit with a surprising level of speed for a middle-aged man. Reaching for the radio, Gabe made a call for backup whilst Reed quickly - maneuvered around to the rear of the car to retrieve their equipment from the trunk. By the time he'd slipped on a ballistic vest over his shirt and loaded up with extra mags, Gabe had beat him to it and already had the car’s Remington 870 loaded at the ready. As they approached the beach, weapons ready, terrified and panicked people streamed past them, most ignoring their shouts of [i]“Police!”[/i] as they pressed on. It was only when a girl screamed about sand turning into glass and the sound of a battle of the elements raging not too far away that Reed connected the dots and grabbed for his radio. “This is 11E, on-scene, we have a Metahuman situation. NEST required, over.” He'd been involved in a couple other situations involving Metahumans in his time on the force, but all the same it made him uneasy. “Gabe, you ready?” He looked over to his senior, who looked over with a hawk’s expression and answered with a nod. Into the fire they went, weapons at the ready.