[quote=@MachineSoul] All of this sounds nice. I really hope that the whole PvP aspect will come out all right and there will be no personal quarrels between players. I will cook up a CS shortly, but I do have a few questions: 1. Just how proficient can our characters be? As in, are they allowed to study multiple lightsaber fighting forms/try to combine multiple ones in an individualized fighting style? 2. On the same note, what about force abilities? Over-the-top Starkiller style or a more toned-down approach? 3. I suppose there will be a form of hierarchy within the Jedi and Sith order. As such, will everyone be an apprentice or will we have more advanced/inferior positions also? (initiates, acolytes, padawans, knights) [/quote] Personal quarrels are why I'm trying to institute some dice work. Basically the rule will be: If you lose the roll, I'm sorry but that's that. 1 & 2. We're going more OT powers, the sort of skill that Luke exhibits rather than anything from the expanded universe, video games, etc. 3. For Jedi everyone'll be an apprentice until knighted. The Sith is up to TheUnknowable.