[quote=@Gisk] Personal quarrels are why I'm trying to institute some dice work. Basically the rule will be: If you lose the roll, I'm sorry but that's that. 1 & 2. We're going more OT powers, the sort of skill that Luke exhibits rather than anything from the expanded universe, video games, etc. 3. For Jedi everyone'll be an apprentice until knighted. The Sith is up to TheUnknowable. [/quote] It depends on your skill. I'll use the Jedi ranks, but depending on how good you are with the Force and a lightsaber you'll have a different rank. At first you'll be an initiate, then once your basic training is over you'll become an acolyte. I'll promote a skilled Sith or two to Knight after they do something impressive, like kill a Jedi or Mandalorian, and we'll take Padawans/apprentices until they learn enough to rise in rank. Only Knights and above will even learn about the holocron, though, as I don't want to lose it. We'll move into the ruins on Korriban as an "archaeology research team" and use it as our base.