Alright If I missed anyone that needed a reply I apologize. Feel free to poke me with a fish. [@kapuchu] Yes still open. This story is designed that people can enter, leave, and vanish as needed with minimal effort so it is always open and I welcome new characters. Now to see if I can answer the questions... 1 - Is there a criminal underworld? Yes absolutely. 2 - Exactly what is the nature of psychic abilities? I would also like a bit more clarification on what they can be, and if we are only humans (you mention Dracula/vampires and such in the beginning, which makes be a tiny bit uncertain) Characters are humans. Anything non-human is a opponent only but in reality they were mentioned as that is the particularly environment/atmosphere to be cultivated in this adventure. Non-humans will be scarce if at all. Psychic Talents are varied and honestly require a bit of creativity. Think of a particular talent you might like your character to excel at and we can create a psychic Talent that takes it beyond the normal human capabilities and into the paranormal Talents. Psychic talents are mental in nature, as might be expected, and require thought and focus. There are psychic hunters, people who's talents aid them in various sciences, people who can read auras and emotions, people who can read the dead, people who have a talent for research, people who have a talent for cooking, people who have a talent for being unnoticeable, people who can work energy into or around crystals or mirrors or similar focuses, etc. It builds on the theory that all humans have at least a trace of psychic energy though it often goes under other names as well (auras, humors, etc) and a few people are able to focus and use this energy to a great extent. The effects tend to be tied to mental facilities in some manner, simple but useful and the characters have learned how to take great advantage of their Talent making them stronger or more skilled than an ordinary counterpart. The only things truly off limits are traditional spiritualists/mediums (summoning ghosts) and traditional mesmerism/mind reading. That being said we still have characters who Talents are similar to those...but with enough differences that they had their own unique twist that put them beyond the stereotypical. 3 - I understand that we are members of the Society that the head of House Ianus established? yes he is. If you look at the first three posts in the characters thread you will find background information as well as the current head. It is posted there to for ease of finding. 4 - Will he accept former law-breakers (thieves, burglars, etc.) if they put their past behind them and put their skills to "good use"? yes absolutely. Not even necessarily required that their shady past remain in the past; simply in addition to their own morals they conform to what is required of members of the society. The head of the society himself has connections in the underworld and he realizes the value of such. 5 - (final one, I think) What exactly does a "Mystery" entail? You give us a lot of background information for the setting, but not so much about what the RP's supposed to be centered about. I'd like a bit of clarification on that one. the mystery is a series of mini mysteries (which if anyone wants to lead their own I'm game for that, simply message me your thoughts). It is effectively a detective agency for paranormal problems that in some way affect or involve the society or it's members. This first one is just an introduction, to allow the characters to develop as characters. After this it is likely my character will drop out as a main character (unless I'm sitting out the GM aspect of a round because someone else wants to lead a mystery) and the mysteries will be undertaken in small groups. **** [@Vigfast]: no worries. Life first. Thanks for the heads up. ****** [@Monochromatic Rainbow] Fencing does seem to be favored; but I welcome anything within reason (or with a really good backstory) and will do my best to ensure it is an essential skill at some point. *** [@EldritchOne] I look forward to it. ***** To all drafting up characters once you have it up you can either post here or PM me but if you post it here in the OOC please tag me so I know to look for it. I do read everything but I'd get to reading it faster if I had one of those little notification thingies. Pretty Please with a halo of innocence. Think I got all Active/Approved characters in the "active characters" in the first post on the characters tab. If I'm missing someone please don't let me ignore you. Jump up and down. Wave pom-poms. Whatever.