[center][img]http://oi62.tinypic.com/2ijruy9.jpg[/img] [h2][color=khaki][b]N.C.4[/b][/color][/h2][/center] [hr] The robot was was visible unmoved by what was going on before its eyes. The older man showed no hostility but his confidence was something that raised a red flag in the cyborg's circuits. The sudden initiative he had taken upon introducing himself however kept N.C.4 well on its guard at this point, unsure what to make up of the action inflicted upon the fountain would result to. The scene would end with the elder man jumping through the fountain's surface water as if there were a gaping hole under the structure. The robot would have its visors up and ready to scan for anything out of the norm. It couldn't get much of a read with X-Ray and Thermal given all the concrete under their feet at this point. There was no point in risking anything as Junshiro would proceed to releasing one of its 'cookies', a small dragonfly drone that would emerge from its back and swiftly fly to any location the bot would instruct to. It serve as an extra pair of eyes to cover certain areas that were either out of reach or too risky to simply enter without a form of scouting. The machine dove down into the now 'open' fountain and plunged into what seemed to be too dark for the robot to see. Quickly enough, a strange interference would eventually make the relay impossible for N.C.4, eventually leading to the drone ending up offline. "[color=khaki]Do not go in just yet. Communication interference is quite strong in there.[/color]" Insuring that it wasn't some sort of trap, the wires near the Hozuki would be released from their lightning enhancement. They would instant be structured into a net that would entirely bind the man as he remained paralyze by Yume's blood abilities. The wires being purely physical would not have a bit effect on him, but the android could simply just activate his Raiton chakra to not only hold the man as if he were solid but also inflict even more pain if he were to struggle. He was safely fastened and would thus be easily swung down like a hammer to the pit that just opened. The robot would of course control the fall, there was no point in killing this potential hostage. "[color=khaki]It's not very deep and he's still alive. Stay behind me, Yume.[/color]" The robot would assess as it retracted all the unused wires back into its hands. The half human would approach said fountain and peer down at the dark abyss. With a second of hesitation, it finally hopped down into what could very well be a trap, but in any case it was ready to release a fury of deadly wires while insuring maximum chances of survival for the VIP it was escorting. Landing just a few centimeters away from the Hozuki, it couldn't make out much of the surroundings as it remained dark. By reflex it would activate its visors to have a clear view of zone despite a clear lack of visibility. There didn't seem to be any danger. "[color=khaki]These conditions are not optimal, Yume. Must we reevaluate the reliability of this source?[/color]"