[h2][b][color=plum]Sylas[/color][/b][/h2] This woman just didn't understand how great her opponent truly was. Sylas only made a disappointed sigh as she jumped around to keep avoiding his expanding glass floor. [b][color=plum]"You marines just don't get it,"[/color][/b] Sylas started to comment before noticing that Hanna had made a very direct lunge at him for an attack. The young ex-captain brought up his glass swords in an X shape, blocking her saber at the cost of their blades. The collision shattered both swords but deflected Hanna's sword enough to keep Sylas from harm. In that brief moment, time seemed to slow down. The shards of the swords just hung in the air as the marine woman aimed her pistol at Sylas once again. [b][color=plum]"I won't be defeated."[/color][/b] The pirate spun around on his axis and leaned back, twirling out of the way of Hanna's aim right before she fired. The glass that had broken and flung around the air began to move, being manipulated and pulled back towards Sylas. The two broken sword hilts he was holding began attracting the glass, reforming the blades as if they had never broken in the first place. All the while he continued his rotation to make a full circle, facing the airborne and vulnerable Hanna. [b][color=plum]"Remember my name."[/color][/b] In a display of speed and brutality, Sylas brought both sabers down across her right side, creating a deep cut in the shape of an X along her right midsection. A blow to end a fight, surely, but not necessarily lethal. The glass on the ground that had been moving to capture her had ceased activity, simply becoming inanimate flooring. The bloody swords fell to the ground as Sylas moved both his hands to dramatically remove his glasses before striking a pose over the defeated marine. [b][color=plum]"Sylas Maison, the next great legend."[/color][/b] He the put his glasses back on, taking a moment to look down at Hanna to make sure she wouldn't try to attack him again. She did seem tenacious, after all, and a sword to the back would be a great way for her to get revenge.