I'm working on a dice system as we speak. I'm thinking it's going to be a simplified, modified version of that Star Wars D6. If you're not familiar with it, don't bother reading that PDF, because it's just a lot of stuff and the majority of it is going to be useless. When I do get it up, a few things to keep in mind: There'll be skills [i]besides[/i] lightsaber fighting and using the Force. They will be important, too. Because there will be events besides lightsaber duels. There will even be PVP events that don't involve lightsaber duels. GM's, me or TheUnknowable, will make all rolls. This is to prevent people from being able to accuse each other of cheating. In PVP situations, you'll roll the relevant skills against each other, but each character isn't necessarily rolling the same skill. So, in [@Galgarion]'s example, a blaster vs a saber, you'll roll the blaster skill against the saber skill. That way, if you're skilled enough with a blaster, you can get past the saber's guard. Lightsabers won't be the end all be all, a Jedi is not invulnerable by any stretch. That leads us into: Characters can(and I actually hope will) die. If your character dies, you can make a new one if you want to stay in the game. The new character will not start as a part of either group, and both will likely try to recruit you. They will start at the bottom, as far as skills go, and have to move up. I do intend to allow skills to advance. Right now my idea for that system is it will be based on how many successes and failures they have. Every result adds "experience" but successes add more than failures(or, I might even consider doing it the other way around, kind of like you learn from failures). Every level will take more experience to advance, so characters with lower skill levels will be able to catch up(if I let failures give more experience, lower leveled characters will also level even faster, which I think might be good. What is thought of this?) Not every failure will equal death, even in combat. I hope to get the system up for review later tonight, but I'm too busy most of the day to hack it out.