[hider=ED] Name: Erren Drake Military codename: N/A Gender: Male Age: 24 Appearance: [hider=Appearance] [img]http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/6efb0e3c29e855dc1602269cc0d6e59e/http://i409.photobucket.com/albums/pp172/Annie_Mul_Lover/Stece/Shadow%20Characters/AnimeBoy15_zps6828ffe9.jpg[/img][/hider] Personality: Erren is brash and uncaring, with little regard to those around him. A lot of the time he will say things that are offensive, even if he doesn't mean for it to be. Biography: Erren was born Erunduil exclusively and often helped his parents do odd jobs. His father was a specialist in non-combat configuration, whereas his mother was more magically inclined. After the demons came, he was determined to join the military, but was unsure which part to join. He was a pretty good mech pilot, but his mother had insisted that he learned magic. Eventually he chose the magic side of things; mostly because of his odd aptitude for shadow magic. He has been in the KMC now for 2 years, and has watched as both his parents were killed. This has only fueled his basic need to slaughter the demons and watch as they slowly bleed out; their intestines in his hands. Military Division: KMC Magic: Somatic: Through a set of signs created with either his feet or hands, he can create a magical effect. Almost all of these involve shadows and darkness. He uses a set of daggers for his magic, though it doesn’t particularly need a focus, as it turns itself into a weapon anyway. [hider=Abilities] His abilities have been able to manifest themselves in a variety of ways, with most being completely ranged: [b]Combat Shift 1:[/b] with a series of hand movements, the shadows manifest into a melee weapon of his choosing. Be it swords, axes, daggers, clubs, whatever. [b]Combat Shift 2:[/b] with a series of feet movemments, the shadows spread outwards from himself and outwards to the enemy. They can cut through most ordinary materials and almost act like seeking blades in the ground. [b]Combat/Utility Shift 3:[/b] With a set of both hand and feet manoeuvres, all shadows around him crystallise or shatter, depending on their form. All manipulated shadows will instantly turn into a strange purple crystal. This can be used for offence as the can still be manipulated, but also for capturing enemies. [b]Utility Shift 1:[/b] With a series of hand movements, hands sprout from these shadows to restrain an enemy. The arms are powerful and can hold down a normal male human, but not a mech or anything mechanical. [b]Defense Shift 1:[/b] His shadow moves around and becomes almost like a shield to prevent amounts of damage. It can last as long as a normal human, and has the same weaknesses and strengths and one. Weaknesses: The shadows can only work in an area with shadow. Complete light will destroy the shadows, were as in complete darkness no shadows can be cast. As long as the sun, moon or a source of light can cast a shadow his ability can work perfectly. [/hider] [/hider] That ok?